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Dams come in all sizes. the Aswan Dam has a capacity of 107,000,000 square feet. The Hoover Dam has a capacity of 3, 250,000 cubic yards.

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Q: How much water can a dam store?
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Related questions

How has the Aswan Dam been helpful?

It controlled the flooding and created Lake Nasser to store much needed water.

Does the aswan dam store clean water?

Yes, it does.

Why was the Hoover Dam an engineering marvel?

a dam is used to store a water for hydropower and errigation purposes.

In which way do dam manage water resource?

The lakes created store water.

What is A large place use to store water?

A dam , reservoir or lake.

Volume of a dam?

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Why was the Hoover Dam invented?

to store and use nature's water, and to prevent a flow of liquid.

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How much can a dam store?

Dams come in all sizes. the Aswan Dam has a capacity of 107,000,000 square feet. The Hoover Dam has a capacity of 3, 250,000 cubic yards.

What is the Dam joke?

One time a Dam man went to drink the Dam water. He was all out of Dam water so he went and got his Dam bucket to fill it up with Dam water from the Dam well. His Dam well was empty, so he went to another Dam man to get Dam water. He asked the Dam man," Can I have some Dam water, Please?" The Dam man Replied, "Get your own Dam water!"

How much water is required for an ice dam to be created?

Not much water is required for an ice dam to be created, it usually forms when it snows and temperatures outside are above 32 degrees Fahrenheit and inside is below, the water flows through the roof and freezes causing an ice dam.

How much water is used in a hydro dam?

600 billion liters depending on the size mass and biggness of the dam