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The presidential inaugurations occurs on January 20, of the year following the election.

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Every time a president is elected, including when he is elected twice.

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11y ago

every four years on the 20th of January (on the 21st when the 20th is a Sunday)

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every 4 years

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Q: How often does the inauguration occur?
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When will the next inauguration day occur?

January 20, 2013

What time will the inauguration occur?

It will take place at noon on January 20, 2009.

Where is Obamas inauguration in DC?

The Oath Ceremony will occur at the west steps of the U.S. Capitol.

How often is a presidential inauguration?

every four years, on January 20.

What Ceremonial events that usually occur when a new president takes office?

inauguration where they take oath of office, parade, speeches, balls, luncheon

How often does the inauguration happen?

On January 20 at noon in the year following the most recent Presidential election.

What does the first presidential inauguration timeline look like?

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How often does the Presidential inauguration happen?

On January 20 at noon in the year following the most recent Presidential election.

What is the act or ceremony of installing a president or officer into office?

This is called the Inauguration , part of which is the "swearing in" of the President at which point he repeats the oath of office as required by the Constitution.