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Q: How was the government of Pennsylvania organized in the 1700s?
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How was the economy in Pennsylvania in the 1700s?

Pennsylvania was very wealthy in the 1700s. In fact Pennsylvania was one of the wealthiest in America at the time because of Penn's policies.

What was the government in the Pennsylvania colony in the 1600 and 1700?

The government in the Pennsylvania colony during the 1600 and 1700s was a proprietary government established by William Penn. Penn granted religious freedom and established a representative assembly known as the Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly. This government structure provided a degree of self-governance for the colonists.

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How was the colony of Pennsylvania organized?

By counties

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People in the 1700s were more focused on survival rather than on symbols like state foods.

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Chicken, corn, oil, tacos

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The government of Virginia from the 1600s to the late 1700s was known as the House of Burgesses. After the late 1700s, the government was renamed as the Virginia General Assembly. Then later the colony of Virginia became part of the US.

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