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The Stamp Act directly affected the colonists; taxes prior to the Stamp Act were indirect taxes, paid only by merchants.

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Renee Dietrich

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Q: How was the stamp act different from earlier taxes imposed on british colonies?
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Taxes were imposed on the colonists?

Yes, there were many taxes imposed on the American colonies by the British Empire.

What was the tea tax?

Tax on the export of tea to the British colonies imposed by the British Parliament to increase revenue. It came about as part of a series of Parliamentary legislature known as the Townshend Acts. The first of these acts was the Revenue Act of 1767, also know as the Townshend Act, which imposed export duties on numerous products that the American colonies did not produce and could only buy from Great Britain. This made tea, and the other taxed products, more expensive to American consumers.

The colonists rebelled against the stamp act because?

The Stamp Act of 1765 was imposed by the British Parliament on the colonies of North America to pay for the seven years war. The British Govermment thought that the Colonies would benefit from the Military presence and therefore should pay for a portion of the expence. There were no colonists elected to the British Parliament and so for Parliament to tax the colonists was seen as a violation of the British Constitution. The British Constitution guaranteed that British subjects should not be taxed without their consent. So this tax was a violation of the Constitutiuon. The colonists rebelled and declared - 'no taxation without representation'. The colonists rebelled with force and the Act could not be imposed and was repealed 17th March 1766

How was the colonial boycotts an example of taxation without represenation?

The colonial boycotts were an example of taxation without representation because the British imposed new tax laws without anybody from the colonies to represent them in Britain. They had no say in any new laws, or acts, that the British imposed on them. It would kind of be like if Michigan had no representatives in Congress (which means no say in our government) and had to abide by laws they had no say in.

What abuse did the king of Britain do to the 13 colonies that made them sign the declaration of independence?

"Abuse" is probably not the right word. And it was not the King in person by then who ruled Britain and its colonies, it was the British government and Parliament. What happened was that a couple of taxes were imposed that were highly unpopular amongst the colonists, who then unsuccessfully demanded that taxes should and could only be imposed on them if they were adequately represented in the British Parliament. One of the unpopular measures was that Britain had left a sizable army in the colonies after the French-Indian war and levied a tax on the colonies to pay for its upkeep. Britain held that the army was there for the colonies' protection in case the hostilities were renewed, so it was only right that they should pay for it. The colonies saw the army as an occupation force and considered having to pay for it as adding insult to injury.

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Taxes were imposed on the colonists?

Yes, there were many taxes imposed on the American colonies by the British Empire.

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You seem a little confused. The British imposed the Intolerable Acts. The colonies responded by defying them.

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Mercantilism was the basic policy imposed by Britain on its colonies. The colonies were captive markets for British industry, and the goal was to enrich the mother country.

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The British felt that they had protected the colonies from the French and that the colonists were British so they should help pay for the war.

British imposed this to help pay the cost of protecting colonies and the colonists responded by creating the Sons of Liberty?

stamp act

What does William pitt meant by the madness you have caused?

He was speaking to the British parliament about the stamp act they imposed on the American colonies. The stamp act was so unjust, he said it caused the madness of the American colonies.

When and why did the English colonists begin to withdraw their loyalty to the King?

When the King imposed various taxes on the colonies. The colonies protest the various tax and laws which made them end up in a Revolutionary War. The British wanted the colonies to pay for the French and Indian War.

What 3 things did the coerive acts do?

The Coercive Acts of 1774 were a series of measures imposed by the British government to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party. They closed the port of Boston, restricted town meetings, and allowed British officials to be tried in Britain for crimes committed in the colonies.

Why did the British imposed new taxes on the American colonists?

Britain imposed new taxes on the American colonists in order to pay for the French and Indian War (also known as the Seven years war.) The British government felt that because the war was fought to protect the colonies, they should pay for some of the war.

What do the Proclamation Line of 1763 the Stamp Act of 1765 and the Townshend Acts of 1767 have in common?

All three of these acts imposed British rule over the American colonies. The Proclamation Line declared Britain the ruler of all transactions west of the Appalachians. The Stamp Act and Townshend Acts imposed internal taxes on the colonies.

What did the British impose to help pay the cost of protecting colonies and the colonists responded by creating the Sons of Liberty?

The British imposed the Stamp Act of 1765 to pay for the cost of keeping British troops in North America. This tax was placed on all paper materials and products. The Sons of Liberty were created as a secret society of men who opposed British taxation of the colonies.