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Q: How was the transition of governance from Spaniards to Americans made possible in the Philippines?
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How was the transition of governance from the Spaniards made possible in the Philippines?

i answer no!!

How long did Spain rule the Philippines?

Spaniards controlled the Philippines from their arrival in 1521 until they were forced out by the US Americans who appropriated the colony in 1898.

What are some races that come to the Philippines?

Some races that come to the Philippines are the Indonesians, Malays, Japanese, Spaniards and the Americans.

What was the greatest influenced of the Spaniards to the Philippines?

The greatest influence of the Spaniards on the Philippines was the introduction of Christianity, which had a lasting impact on the culture and society of the country. The Spaniards also brought about changes in governance, language, architecture, and cuisine that are still evident in the Philippines today.

What are the good contributions of the Spaniards in the Philippines?

Some positive contributions of the Spaniards in the Philippines include the introduction of Christianity, which has shaped the cultural and religious landscape of the country. They also established the foundation of Philippine education and governance systems, as well as introduced new crops, cuisine, and architectural styles.

What did the nature read to the arrival of the Spaniards to the Philippines?

The arrival of the Spaniards to the Philippines led to significant changes in the country's history, culture, and society. It marked the beginning of Spanish colonization, which lasted for over 300 years and had a lasting impact on the Philippines, including the introduction of Christianity, changes in governance, and the integration of Spanish influence into Filipino culture.

What is the name of Spaniards born in Philippines are?

Spaniards born in the Philippines are known as "Insulares."

What are the disadvantages of the coming of the Spaniards for 333yrs in the Philippines?

disadvantages brought by spaniards in the philippines

What do you call the Spaniards born in the Philippines?

Spaniards born in the Philippines are called "Filipino-Spaniards" or "Criollos".

What difficulties did the Spaniards encounter in conquering the Philippines?

Well the biggest difficulty was that they never really did conquer the Philippines. Just like the Americans and the Japanese, they failed in controlling them.

How did the Philippines become the Philippines?

it was named after the king of Spain King Philip II. that is why we came up with the name Philippines The islands that now composed the modern day Philippines was named after the Spanish king Felipe by the Spanish explorer Roy Lopez de Villalobos. The Spaniards called the archepelago Las Islas Felipinas. When the Americans defeated the Spaniards during the US-Spanish war the Americans renamed the islands Philippines and called it Philippine Islands.

What is the effect of colonial Philippines?

The effect of colonial rule in the Philippines included changes in culture, religion, language, and political systems. Spaniards introduced Christianity and the Spanish language, while also exploiting local resources and establishing hierarchical social structures. The Americans later influenced education, governance, and economy. Overall, colonialism had lasting impacts on the country's identity and development.