Burgettstown, Pennsylvania is listed under congressional district number 18. Burgettstown, Pennsylvania congressional district is represented by the zip code 15021 and the surrounding area.
The number of congressional districts per state is determined every 10 years, after the census.
Congressional districts must have nearly the same number of residents. This can't be exact because districts are reapportioned after the census every ten years.
Each state has two senators, but the number of congressmen are determined by population based on census figures. For instance, Mississippi had five congressional districts from 1960 to 2000. But one district was abolished when the 2000 census showed that the state had lost population.
California has the most districts coming in at 53.
Slaves counted as two-thirds of a person.
The population of each state is divided into congressional districts by the number of registered voters and geographic lines. Federal congressional districts are similarly divided.
3/5 of the population of slaves were counted for each state
16 16 16
13 congressional districts By: Abshir Jama
Representation is based on population. Each state is broken up into counties which contain "congressional districts" with a specific number of residents which, when such number is surpassed, requires the creation of a new district.
Burgettstown, Pennsylvania is listed under congressional district number 18. Burgettstown, Pennsylvania congressional district is represented by the zip code 15021 and the surrounding area.
Legislature must draw the districts so they each include roughly the same number of constituents.
The number of congressional districts per state is determined every 10 years, after the census.
The total number of Congressional districts is set by law, currently at 435, but it can be changed by an act of Congress. For example, there was a recent proposal to give Washington, D.C., a full voting member of Congress, and also add one more seat elsewhere, raising the total to 437.
Congressional districts must have nearly the same number of residents. This can't be exact because districts are reapportioned after the census every ten years.