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They earned from $30 to $40 a month, and received good food, education, and discipline.

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Q: How were the men in the CCC paid?
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What is the ccc in the New Deal?

In my research from high school, the CCC is the Civilion Conservation Corps. The issue/problem it aimed to tackle was at the unemployment of young men. Actions taken/powers of agency; money earnt by the community was sent straight to the mens families. Evidence it was/ was not effective; Around 2.5 million young men found work and sent some money back to their families. thats all I have got. :D

Which federal program hired young men to do jobs such as planting trees and bui?

Civilian Conservation Corps. was a federal program initiated by FDR during the Great Depression in an effort to put more men to work. The CCC did a lot of work in National Parks.

What outcome did the TVA and CCC share?

creating jobs

Is the CCC still around?

The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) was a "New Deal" federal government agency established under the Frankklin D. Roosevelt presidency to give government employment to young men to build roads, parks, highways, and other extensive public works in order to assist the country in coming out of the great depression of the 1920's. It went out of existence prior to the beginning of WWII.

What is the role of the CCC?

The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) created jobs for the jobless by providing unskilled manual labor related to the conservation and development of natural resources in rural areas of the United States from 1933 to 1942, thereby also also helped preserve natural resources. It a public works relief program for unemployed young men age 18-24 as a part of the New Deal during the Great Depression and after. It put these men to work building roads, developing parks, planting trees, and helping in flood-control projects.

Related questions

Is there a List of men in CCC camps in Arkansas?

virgil l. jones

Who was president when the CCC gave jobs to unemployed young men?

Theodore Roosvelt

Why was the CCC important in the 1930s?

The CCC or Civilian Conservation Corp was a program of the New Deal to put young American men to work. These men planted 3 billion trees. They also learned lessons of leadership. Many of these men would go on to help train soldiers once the draft for World War II began.

Who started the ccc?

The CCC or "Civilian Conservation Corps" was an agency initiated by FDR to use young men to build roads, dams, bridges and other public infrastructure during the depression, often in remote or rural areas. Many tourist buildings and cabins in our national parks were built by the CCC.

What did the CCC stand for and what problem did it attempt to address?

First: I suggest you actually READ your Social Studies text. However, CCC stood for Civilian Conservation Corps, and its primary purpose was to provide jobs for young men.

What was the pay for enrolees of ccc camps?

Men signed on for 6 months of CCC duty and were organized into crews that reforested land, undertook conservation projects in National Parks, and worked on trails and clearing growth in National Forests. They built bridges, repaired dams, built fire lookouts and fences, and did terracing to prevent erosion. They were paid $30 a month, but they had to send $25 to their folks in the cities, so the parents would have money to spend to stimulate the economy. The CCC was one of the most popular and most successful of the New Deal measures.

What was franklin d roosevelt's ccc?

The Civilian Conservation Corps was a government organization started by Franklin Roosevelt to relieve unemployment among young men during the Great Depression. The men worked to improve American infrastructure and natural resources, doing much to develop the National Parks system. PBS' American Experience recently aired a documentary on the CCC, which you can watch at

What is the number for the roman numeral CCC?

It is: CCC = 300

How much do men on Yukon men get paid?

They are reportedly paid $5000 an episode.

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This program originated the recovery from the depression and consisted of young men who traveled around to perform work and services for conservation projects?