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European Colonial systems were vulnerable because the Colonists did not have proper protection built when they first came to America. They did not have houses there waiting for them, they had to build them. Many people were exposed to the elements.

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Q: In what ways were European colonial systems vulnerable?
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In what ways are courts judges and justices shielded from politics and in what ways are they vulnerable to political pressure?

In what ways are courts, judges, and justices shielded from politics and political pressure

How did the navigation acts ensure that only England could benefit from trade with the American colonies?

directed the flow of goods between England ColoniesThe Navigation Acts required that all colonial trade be carried in vessels built and owned by English or colonial merchants. The ships had to be manned by crews composed of British seamen. The Acts also required that European nations must sell products to the colonies by first stoping at English ports where they would have to pay a customs duty (tax). The products were checked and then were permitted to travel to the colonies. All products had to go through these ports controlled by England. This made the cost of the product more expensive but protected the trade of Great Britain. Certain materials from the colonies could only be shipped in British or colonial ships and had to be sent to England first. The product was then taxed and allowed to be sent to its destination in whatever European nation. Colonial products could not be shipped directly to any foreign nation.The Navigation Acts were laws placed by King George III to prohibit trade on overall everything profitable between the 13 colonies and any other country but Great Britain. This helped Great Britain by giving them more and better pick of the goods and products from the 13 colonies that couldn't be found in other countries without competing with other countries for it. However hard this law was enforced, the colonists still found ways to trade slaves, tea, and other goods with some countries in Africa, and with Spain and France as well.

How did the US Constitution influence the political systems in the contemporary world?

The political systems throughout the world were influenced by the Constitution in many ways. After the constitution was published, many political systems called for reform. Also, a new standard for laws was developed as a result of the new ideas brought forth in the Constitution.

The veto and pocket veto are two ways that the what can reject a bill?

The veto and the pocket veto are two ways that the _____ can reject a bill

Name two ways that the Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty protested British taxes?

i can name four you pick the ones you want. The Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty protested in the streets. they also boycotted the items with tax. they complained that is not their job to put tax on items it was the colonial assemblies jobs to put taxes on items. they also dumped the tea into the water to show they weren't happy with the taxes on the tea. luv erika

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Democracy was limited in colonial America because of the colonial system. The people in the colonies had no right to representation in the English Parliament.

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