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The 27th amendment.

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Q: In which constitutional amendment is the paragraph ensuring that all powers not delegated to the federal government are indeed reserved for either the states or the people?
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Was the Three-Fifths Compromise a Constitutional amendment?

The Three-fifths Compromise was proposed by delegates James Wilson and Roger Sherman during the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention.. It was added as Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3 to the United States Constitution . It was superceded and thereby rescinded by the 14th Amendment in 1868.

What is a short version of the 13th amendment?

There is no short version of it. The amendment is only a paragraph and it stops slavery.

Which amendment were slaves counted as only three fifths of a person?

The "Three-Fifths Compromise" was not a constitutional amendment, but rather part of the actual Constitution written in 1787 (Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3), as an attempt to get both slave states, who wanted slaves to be counted as people because of taxation reasons, and non-slave states, who didn't want slaves to be counted as people, to ratify the document.

What are some of the restrictions placed on Congress As far as the Fourteenth and First Amendment goes?

The phrasing of this question imparts a poor understanding of our beloved constitution. The bill of rights does not serve to restrict the powers of the federal government only, but of any state or local government as well. The first amendment guarantees the freedom of religion, press, the right to assembly, free speech, and the right to petition the government for redress. The fourteenth amendment defines citizenship, and strengthens the point made in the first paragraph above. It also provides for due process and equal protection under the law.

Whose idea was the Three-Fifths Compromise?

The Three-fifths Compromise was proposed by delegates James Wilson and Roger Sherman during the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention. It was added as Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3 to the United States Constitution.

What amendment confirms the federal system of government?

It's not in the amendments, the enumeration of powers of the legislative, executive and judicial branches are laid out in the first three Articles of the Constitution. There's also Article 6, paragraph 2 declares that the laws of the federal government and the Constitution are the supreme laws of the land. This is referred to as the Supremacy Clause.

What theme about government does Jefferson communicate in the second paragraph?

Jefferson is

What ideas of constitutional government did the colonists use in creating their government?

the colonist got their ideas of goverment from England

Which document is echoed by the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independenc?

ideas about Government-------------------------my answerThe second part declares independence from Britain, and lists the colonies' issues against the British government.

Where in the constitution is the election of the president described?

Article II, section 1, Paragraph 2-3 gives the original procedure for electing the President. It was modified by Amendment 12. (Amendment 22 sets term limits on the presidency and Amendment 25 gives details on presidential succession in case of disability of the President. )

Where do you find all of the powers of the federal government?

The simple answer is the U.S. Constitution.You can read the constitution online in many places.There is disagreement over whether Federal authority currently exceeds constitutional limits and the debate is renewed with many pieces of legislation.Much of the debate stems from the 10th Amendment to the Constitution which reads:The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.Read alone, this amendment limits the powers of the Federal government substantially. However, opponents of this point of view often cite Article I Section 8 (on Congressional Powers), which the final paragraph gives the congress the power:To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.In other words, they can make laws which help them carry out their enumerated powers.This brings up the difference between expressed powersand implied powers.Expressed powers are powers which are specifically to the government by the Constitution. Regulating foreign commerce, declaring war and establishing post offices are all expressed powers.Implied powers are powers which are not specifically given to the government, but which the government has assumed, and which have passed judicial review by the Supreme Court. Chartering a bank (currently the Federal Reserve), and creating Social Security are examples of implied powers.If ObamaCare is upheld by the Supreme Court, then regulating healthcare will become an implied power.

Based on the paragraph above what form of government did ancient Greece and ancient Mesopotamia have in common?

monarchy (ap3x)