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Q: In which year were the first primaries held?
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The first presidential cacus is held in Ohio?

The first presidential caucus is held in the state of Ohio. The first presidential primary is held in New Hampshire in January of the election year.

What are the state primaries?

Primary elections are preliminary elections for the purpose of choosing the candidates for the main elections that actual choose the office-holders. The term "state primary" may refer to an election held within a state to choose candidates for the presidential election or it may refer to primaries held to choose candidates for state offices.

The first primaries were held in?

In 1910, Oregon became the first state to establish a presidential preference primary, which requires delegates to the National Convention to support the winner of the primary at the convention. By 1912, twelve states either selected delegates in primaries, used a preferential primary, or both. By 1920 there were 20 states with primaries, but some went back, and from 1936 to 1968, 12 states used them.Currently, Iowa holds the first caucus and New Hampshire holds the first primary -- first in the sense as the first in that election campaign.

What is Super Tuseday?

In the United States, Super Tuesday, in general, refers to the Tuesday in February or March of a presidential election year when the greatest number of states hold primary elections to select delegates to national conventions at which each party's presidential candidates are officially nominated. More delegates can be won on Super Tuesday than on any other single day of the primary calendar, and, accordingly, candidates seeking the presidency traditionally must do well on this day to secure their party's nomination. In 2008, Super Tuesday was February 5; 24 states held primaries or caucuses on this date, with 52% of all pledged Democratic Party delegates and 41% of the total Republican Party delegates at stake.[1] The 2012 Super Tuesday will be March 6, 2012.[2]Since Super Tuesday primaries are held in a large number of states from geographically and socially diverse regions of the country, Super Tuesday typically represents a presidential candidate's first test of national electability. Convincing wins in Super Tuesday primaries have usually propelled candidates to their party's nomination. The particular states holding primaries on Super Tuesday have varied from year to year.

In most states committee members chosen by?

party primaries

Related questions

In which year were the first primaries held 1912 1908 1900 1904?

The first primary was in 1912 in Iowa. The first primary was in 1912 in Iowa.

Are the primaries held before or after the national conventions?

They are held before. There would be no reason to hold them after the candidate has been chosen.

Where is the first caucus of the election held?

Since 1972, Iowa has held the first caucuses of the presidential primaries.

When are primaries held in Texas?

on may 29,2012 ..if your asking about this year

How many primaries and caucuses will be held on super Tuesday 2012?

10 primaries and caususes

Primaries are held in every state?


What is the difference between the primaries and a convention?

Primaries are elections held by political parties to choose their candidates for an upcoming election. A convention is a meeting where party delegates officially nominate their candidates and finalize their party platform for the election. Primaries are usually held before the convention to determine the candidates who will be officially endorsed at the convention.

When is the presidential republican primary election?

Primaries begin in January of an election year. The Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primaries are usually the first, with one or two state primaries each week until "Super Tuesday," a single day in late February or early March when nearly half the states conduct primaries and caucuses.

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in what year was the first party monarch of barbados held?

When do you know the democratic nominee?

In some instances it has been as early as mid-March. This year being so tight it very well may go down to the wire and be announced at the democratic convention held August 25 - 28. The last primaries are held in June. In some instances it has been as early as mid-March. This year being so tight it very well may go down to the wire and be announced at the democratic convention held August 25 - 28. The last primaries are held in June.

What year was the first olympicgames held?

The first ancient olympic games were held in the year 776 B.C. However, the first modern olympic games were held in the year 1896.RESOURCES= WWW.GOOGLE.COM

In what year was the first olympic held?

it was held in 1924