No. A government monopoly refers to a situation in which the government owns all the outlets for a particular good or service.
Correct, they had no representation in government.
kill there citezens for no reason
Government cannot hold two positions at once for one reason. The reason that government cannot not hold two positions at once is so everyone will have a chance at term.
creat jobs
The Reason of Church-Government Urged against Prelaty was created in 1642.
One of the main reason is to stop state competition (USA) and the other may be to stop monopoly or unfair competition.
Although free market economies are mostly based on the free choices of the buyers and consumers, one reason government intervention is needed is to prevent the creation of monopolies. If a monopoly is a natural monopoly or a monopoly that doesn't seem to make too much profit, it can be left alone, but if a monopoly has significant power and makes too much profit, government must restrict its market powers. Otherwise, the monopoly could control prices and output with no restrictions at all. Also, sometimes government must set price ceilings or price floors in order to try to fix the problems of shortages and surpluses. By setting these price levels, the government helps bring the price and quantity back to equilibrium position, where the quantity demanded = quantity supplied.
it was created to provide a strong central government which could maintain unity among the 13 colonies
No Reason was created in 2004.
To create a monopoly in trade with Asia and Africa.
Reason Is Treason was created in 2003.
Texas Is the Reason was created in 1994.
Reason - song - was created in 2001.
Love Has No Reason was created in 1980.
The Age of Reason was created in 1794.
The Oracle of Reason was created in 1841.