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Yes, most sociologists and anthropologists agree that culture is definitely learned (learnt). Children usually learn about their culture from their parents, and from their environment; later they learn from their schools, their peers, and even from the country's media. It should also be noted that the culture is expressed in language, and as children learn verbal (and later written) communication, they are also learning the stories, beliefs, and attitudes common to that culture.

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I would say, it is something that is experienced and admired. It is open for everyone to adopt it.

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Q: Is culture learned and passed on from generation to generation?
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How is culture passed on from generation to generation?

Culture is passed on from generation to generation through various means such as storytelling, rituals, celebrations, language, and societal norms. Children learn about their culture by observing and interacting with family, community members, and through formal education. It is through these experiences that individuals internalize and perpetuate cultural beliefs, values, and customs.

What is made up of shared values beliefs and behaviors?

Culture is made up of shared values, beliefs, and behaviors. It is a set of learned patterns of ideas, thoughts, and actions that are passed down from generation to generation within a particular group or society. Culture influences the way people perceive and interact with the world around them.

Is culture taught?

Yes culture is very much taught, and not only that it is passed down from generation to generation, especially in India and among hindus.

How do society acquire a sense of self?

They obtain a sense of self through ethics and culture. This ethics and culture are passed on from generation to generation and has become part of them.

Who developed the concept of cultural relativity?

they answer is the Indians did they made this culture that's been passed on from generation to generation basically

What is the term for traditions behaviors and stories that are passed down from generation to generation?

Culture is passed on to the next generation by sharing and exposing the next generation to that culture. Educating and sharing are the top methods that encourage culture to be passed on from one generation to the next.

Why are folk songs passed down from generation to generation?

The folktale is a story, passed down verbally from generation to generation. Each storyteller told the folktales a little differently, making them more interesting and fascinating as the ages passed. Different folktales bear the characteristics of the culture

What is learned and passed down from parents to children through teaching example and imitation?


What is a type of literature that has originated within a culture and has been passed down either orally or in writing from one generation to the next?

Literature that has originated within a culture and has been passed down either orally or in writing from one generation to the next is known as folklore.

What does first language mean?

one's native language; the language learned by children and passed from one generation to the next.

How is culture passed on?

Culture is passed on through a variety of ways, including language, traditions, rituals, stories, and values. It is transmitted from generation to generation through social interactions within families, communities, and institutions. Education, media, and technology also play a role in disseminating cultural beliefs and practices.

Do all people have Culture?

Yes, all people have culture. Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors that are passed down from generation to generation within a society. It influences individuals' beliefs, behaviors, and identities.