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The responsibility of a government towards its citizens economic status differs according to the type of government. Communism, for example, believes in the even distribution of wealth among all people, while a Republic strives to open opportunities for its population to gain their own financial means.?æ

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8y ago

Any effective government must provide security for its citizens. Without security from threats both within and without a country, the general populace will not feel safe and the government will lose legitimacy. Without legitimacy, it can be argued that alternative governments will emerge and challenge the existing system. Therefore, in order to be effective and legitimate, security must be ensured by the government.

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When speaking about central governments in nations and even state governments within that nation, both bodies help provide security for their citizens. As for foreign threats, then the central government has the duty to protect citizens from such threats.

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The duty to provide security is generally seen as a requirement of government. How the term "security" is defined and whether a government actively secures its citizenry are subject to doubt in the case of a number of regimes.

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7y ago

Yes to some extent it is. The government needs to make policies that allow people to be able to improve themselves and to ensure as consumers and taxpayers they can use their money resources wisely.

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Q: Is the government responsible for the economic security of its citizens?
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