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I think no.


The reverse side of the current $2 bill is an interpretation of John Trumbull's painting of the the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but no black persons participated in the ceremony. The urban legend about a black man appearing on the bill stems from how shading on the original painting translated to the printer's engraving.

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Q: Is there a black president on the 2dollar bill?
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The first African America president of the united states of Americawas president Barack ObamaWhile true, the above answer is "politically incorrect". The "first black president" was undeniably William Jefferson Clinton, aka Bill Clinton.

Who is the black president on the 2 dollar bill?

There is no black president on the back of the US $2 bill. One of the people shown is John Hanson who is sometimes considered the "first" president because he was head of state under the Articles of Confederation that preceded the federal Constitution. Hanson was rumored to have had a black ancestor although most historians either discount it or say that it can't be conclusively proven or disproven.

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This president is the first African American elected president?

The first and only African-American president in the US is Barack Obama. President Bill Clinton was jokingly called "America's first black president" because he had many black friends and promoted policies that helped black people, but Mr. Clinton was white. Barack Obama is in fact African-American, and when he was elected in 2008, he became the country's first black president.

What was the name of the black president on the 2 bill?

The back of the U.S. $2 bill shows an image of John Trumbull's painting "Declaration of Independence." The only men in that painting who later became presidents are John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.