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Robert Boyle and Antoine Lavoisier

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Q: List the pioneers of modern chemistry who lived during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
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Who are the pioneers of chemistry?

Some pioneers of chemistry include Antoine Lavoisier, known as the "father of modern chemistry" for his work on the conservation of mass, Dmitri Mendeleev, who created the periodic table of elements, and Marie Curie, who conducted groundbreaking research on radioactivity.

What are the Pioneers of chemistry and their contribution?

ndi ko alam ee,, sorry =)) nxt time na lang

Why bare Muslim scientists thought to be founders of chemistery?

Muslim scientists are considered pioneers in the field of chemistry due to their significant contributions during the Islamic Golden Age, around the 8th to 14th centuries. Scholars such as Jabir ibn Hayyan developed experimental techniques, equipment, and chemical processes that laid the foundation for modern chemistry. Their work in alchemy, medicine, and metallurgy helped advance scientific knowledge and paved the way for future discoveries in chemistry.

Who are the pioneers of chemistry and what are their contributions?

Lavoisier, Berthelot, Berthollet, Mendeleev, Davy, Berzelius, Gmelin, Proust, Priestley, and many other.

Who where the first scientist to study chemistry?

Some of the first scientists to study chemistry include alchemists such as Jabir ibn Hayyan in the Islamic Golden Age and Robert Boyle in the Western world during the 17th century. These pioneers helped establish the foundation for modern chemistry through their investigations and experiments.

Pioneers in sociology?

The term sociology was introduced by French philosopher Auguste Comte in 1838, who is known as the â??Father of Sociology. Additional pioneers in sociology from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries include Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber.

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How many pioneers died?

pioneers of what

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the pioneers of a barber is your dick

How the pioneers traveled?

the pioneers travel bywagons.

How do pioneers get their animal up on steep hill?

Pioneers would know how, otherwise they wouldn't be pioneers ;)

Who is friedrich wohler?

Friedrich Wohler was a German educator and chemist, he was the first scientist that performed the synthesis of urea, besides of working in the isolation of several chemical elements. He is remembered as one of the pioneers of organic chemistry.