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Q: Many weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation were corrected with the adoption of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land in 1787. Which of these statements is true regarding the difference?
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How did the Constitution overcome the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

It allowed congress to do things they the couldn't when they had the Articles of Confederation around. Such as raise taxes and have natural rights.

Weakness of the articles of confederation two words?

The Articles of Confederation was the original U.S. Constitution which was ratified in 1781. Two of its weaknesses were its inability to levy taxes and regulate trade.

What are some of the weaknesses that the founding fathers had when they were creating the constitution of the US?

The Articles of Confederation, which was the first Constitution of the United States, was so weak, and gave the government so little power, that simple, yet necessary policies could not be enforced, such as taxes.

How did the US Constitution overcome the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and provide for the organization of the new government?

The Articles of Confederation had several weaknesses. As a result, a new plan of government, the Constitution, was written to clear up the weaknesses. Under the Articles of Confederation, there were many things the federal government couldn't do. It couldn't tax, make trade treaties, resolve disputes between states, keep order, and pay its debts. To help solve these issues, the writers of the Constitution created a federal government with three branches. Each branch had distinct powers to carry out its responsibilities. Additionally, the government had the ability to create an army. This army could be used to keep order at home as well as fight wars with other countries if needed. The Articles of Confederation can't be criticized for being a weak government because it was set up to be a weak government. However, the Constitution was much better, in part because the writers of the Constitution learned from the past mistakes that were made. They also included an amendment process to correct future problems that might arise. The Constitution was written, in part, to correct the mistakes and resolve the issues that existed in the Articles of Confederation.

How did the us constitution overcome the weaknesses of the articles of the confederation and provide for the organization of the new government?

The Articles of Confederation had several weaknesses. As a result, a new plan of government, the Constitution, was written to clear up the weaknesses. Under the Articles of Confederation, there were many things the federal government couldn't do. It couldn't tax, make trade treaties, resolve disputes between states, keep order, and pay its debts. To help solve these issues, the writers of the Constitution created a federal government with three branches. Each branch had distinct powers to carry out its responsibilities. Additionally, the government had the ability to create an army. This army could be used to keep order at home as well as fight wars with other countries if needed. The Articles of Confederation can't be criticized for being a weak government because it was set up to be a weak government. However, the Constitution was much better, in part because the writers of the Constitution learned from the past mistakes that were made. They also included an amendment process to correct future problems that might arise. The Constitution was written, in part, to correct the mistakes and resolve the issues that existed in the Articles of Confederation.

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Did the constitution resolve the weaknesses in the articles of confederation. explain your answer?


How is the articles of confederation and the constitution alike and how are they different?

the articles of confederation and the constitution are both the same because they both are written and the difference is that they tell different things. and i dont know but i just wanted to do something so i took a long shot at it

One reason why the constitution was adopted over the article of confederation was?

Shay's Rebellion revealed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

How did the Constitution overcome the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

It allowed congress to do things they the couldn't when they had the Articles of Confederation around. Such as raise taxes and have natural rights.

What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that led to the creation of the Constitution?

The national government was weak and could not control the states

Weakness of the articles of confederation two words?

The Articles of Confederation was the original U.S. Constitution which was ratified in 1781. Two of its weaknesses were its inability to levy taxes and regulate trade.

What were the newly independent states joined by before the constitution?

The newly independent states were joined by the Articles of Confederation before the Constitution. The Articles of Confederation served as the first governing document of the United States from 1781 to 1789, but it was eventually replaced by the Constitution due to its weaknesses in providing a strong central government.

What was the name of the first government of the US that was so weak it had to be replaced?

That would be the government as it existed under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation had many weaknesses, most of which were addressed in the later US Constitution.

What plan was accepted to replace the Articles of Confederation?

The Constitution was accepted on March 4, 1789, to replace the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation had many weaknesses, including creating stronger state governments and a weaker federal government.

What was the weaknesses of the articles of the confederation?

link two weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation to one of the six Purposes of Government

In the Constitution resolve the weaknesses in the articles of Confederation?

Yes. In establishing a republic with a strong central government, the US Constitution resolved many of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The powers of the new federal government included taxation, printing money, establishing treaties, providing a standing military, and the regulation of interstate commerce. The three branches of the government encompassed the full range of law in the US.

Did the constitution resolve weaknesses in the articles of confederation?

Yes. In establishing a republic with a strong central government, the US Constitution resolved many of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The powers of the new federal government included taxation, printing money, establishing treaties, providing a standing military, and the regulation of interstate commerce. The three branches of the government encompassed the full range of law in the US.