1732 george washingon was born 1732 george washingon was born
George Washington was born in Fairfax County, Virgina.
George Washington died in December 1799; Abraham Lincoln was born in February 1809. Abraham Lincoln was not yet born when George Washington died. George Washington died in 1799. Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809, 10 years after George Washington died.
George Hillman was born on September 27, 1906, in New York City, New York, USA.
No George Washington is not chopping down tress to this day. He died December 14, 1799.
George Washington Gale Ferris was born on February 14,1893 (Valentine's Day!)
February 22, 1732
George Washington - Washington pioneer - was born in 1817.
No. George Washington was born in Westmoreland, Virginia.
President George Washington was born February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County Virginia
Nothing. George Washington Carver was born after George Washington had died.
No. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, near present day Colonial Beach. He was the first child of Augustine Washington and his second wife, Mary Ball Washington.
George Washington Bethune was born in 1805.
George Washington Rightmire was born in 1868.
George Washington Walker was born in 1800.
George Washington Greene was born in 1811.
George Washington Owen was born in 1796.