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what is the most distinctive feature of democracy

it always fulfills people need

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expanding suffrage to include non-landowning white males, promoting populism and individualism, and emphasizing the importance of the common man in politics.

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mass political parties

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Q: One of the hallmarks of Jacksonian democracy was?
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How did Andrew jacksonian democracy give more governmental power to the common people?

Jacksonian democracy expanded suffrage to more white males by eliminating property ownership requirements, giving them a larger voice in the government. Jackson also introduced the spoils system, appointing loyal supporters to government positions, and weakened the power of the wealthy elite by advocating for greater economic opportunities for common people.

Jacksonian democracy involved the extension of voting rights to blacks Indians and women?

Jacksonian democracy actually excluded these groups from voting rights. Andrew Jackson's presidency promoted the expansion of suffrage to white males regardless of property ownership, but did not extend voting rights to blacks, Native Americans, or women. This period was characterized by increased political participation and the rise of the common man in American politics.

Is democracy sovereignty is located with one person?

No, democracy is a form of government where sovereignty is vested in the people as a whole, not in one person. In a democracy, power is distributed among the citizens through their elected representatives.

What are the three forms of democracy?

The three forms of democracy are direct democracy, representative democracy, and parliamentary democracy. In direct democracy, citizens directly participate in decision-making. In representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. In parliamentary democracy, the executive branch is accountable to the legislature.

Aloof New England statesman whose elitism made him an unpopular leader in the new era of mass democracy?

John Adams, the second President of the United States, is often characterized as an aloof and elitist New England statesman. His Federalist beliefs clashed with the rising tide of Jacksonian democracy, making him an unpopular leader. Despite his contributions to the founding of the nation, Adams struggled to connect with the broader population due to his perceived elitism.

Related questions

How do you use Jacksonian democracy in a sentence?

Jacksonian Democracy is a movement toward greater democracy

What is the differences between Jacksonian and Jacksonian democracy?

jacksonian democracy moved away from jeffersonian democracy. also Andrew Jackson started jacksonian democracy while thomas Jefferson started jeffersonian democracy. ^^^^^^ bull ***t answer ^^^^^^

What were some of the polocies that defined the jacksonian democracy?

One policy of Jacksonian democracy was to avoid divisive debates over slavery. Another policy was the support of Manifest Destiny and westward expansion.

In what respects was Jacksonian democracy more democratic than Jeffersonian democracy?

One way in which Jacksonian democracy was more democratic than Jeffersonian democracy is that it attempted to broaden the average person's involvement with government. Followers also advocated that judges be elected rather than appointed.

When did the era of jacksonian democracy begin?


How did jacksonian democracy view industrialization?

The Jacksonian democracy viewed industrialization as a good thing. Jackson believed that it was needed in order for the country's economy to thrive.

How have historians differed over the nature of Jacksonian Democracy?

Historians have differed in their interpretation of Jacksonian Democracy. Some portray it as a democratic revolution that expanded political participation and protected the common man's interests, while others criticize it for its limited commitment to equality and its policies that reinforced racial and gender hierarchies. Additionally, historians debate whether Jacksonian Democracy was primarily a grassroots movement or if it was driven by elite interests and political manipulation. Overall, these different perspectives reflect the complex and contested nature of Jacksonian Democracy.

One of the fundamental tenets of Jacksonian Democracy was that?

Ordinary Americans could do anything. The people had the power.

Which is the best description of Jacksonian Democracy?

A Jacksonian Democracy is best described as a democracy by the people.

What was the name of politics that Andrew Jackson started?

Jacksonian Democracy

What was Jacksonian Democracy based on?

white man sufferage

How did suffrage expand during the Age of Jackson?

Jacksonian democracy