The President can veto any bill that is presented to him by the Legislative branch. Also, because of judicial review the supreme court can declare bills created by the legislative to be unconstitutional.
courts interpreting the constituion -PrinceBlast
judicial review
Checks and balances is where the Legislature, Executive, and Judicial branch look over each other and make sure no one branch gets too powerful. If the Judicial branch doesn't like something that the Executive branch likes, they can veto it.
Checks and balances are necessary in a democracy to keep the government a democracy. There is a quote, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Any person can gain power and become corrupt. Without someone to check that power, it would grow and create more power and bring corruption. Checks and balances reduce the amount of power that any one can have.
They help prevent presidents from becoming dictators.
Congress must approve federal judge appointments
The President can veto any bill that is presented to him by the Legislative branch. Also, because of judicial review the supreme court can declare bills created by the legislative to be unconstitutional.
Power is shared between the 3 branches of government:Legislative,Judicial, and Executive. The power of one branch can be challenged by another. For example the legislative branch is in charge of making laws. The executive branch can veto that law, or the judicial branch can claim it unconstitutional. Each branch "checks" on one another to ensure its power is used properly, if not they intervene with one another to "balance" it.
The checks and balances on the judicial branch is that they... - can make sure no one branch is getting too powerful - to make sure no branch gets too much power - inforce that no branch will get more powerful - to make sure any one branch doesn't get too much powerful
courts interpreting the constituion -PrinceBlast
A system of checks and ballances, Congress creates laws President can Veto Supreme Court can decide if it is or is not constitutional
it separated the government into three branches (legislative, judicial, and executive) so no one part or individual would have all the power.
judicial review
Judicial Review is an important part of checks and balances it keeps unconstitutional laws from being passed that would give parts of the government too much power or violate the constitutional rights of the people.
Checks and balances is where the Legislature, Executive, and Judicial branch look over each other and make sure no one branch gets too powerful. If the Judicial branch doesn't like something that the Executive branch likes, they can veto it.
This question refers to the United States pioneered system of separate and distinct political units (legislative, executive, judicial) having the power to counteract one another to avoid the abuse and usurping of power. One example is judicial review which can be levied upon both the executive Td legislative. The executive has the power of veto over the legislative, and powers to selective enforce law through discretion.