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look in your book smart one..

I want to know what is the difference

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Q: Paleo-Indians and Archaic Native Americans
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How did native Americans obtain food in the archaic era in Texas?

During the archaic era in Texas, the Native Americans were able to obtain food by hunting and gathering. They fished, hunted wild animals and used plant resources for food. They were also able to farm and grow staple grain crops.

Where does red Indian lives?

"Red Indian" is an archaic term applied to Native Americans to distinguish them from Indians from the subcontinent of India. You can thank Chris Columbus for the confusion.

How did the Native Americans obtain food in the Archaic Era in Texas?

They hunted Musk-ox, Bears,and Small horse's also gathered Nuts, Berries, and Roots

Who is ethiope?

An Ethiop is an archaic term for a native or inhabitant of Ethiopia, or an archaic term for a black person.

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How were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the mission

What were Native Americans?

native americans were americans that were native

Where does a red Indian lives?

"Red Indian" is an archaic term applied to Native Americans to distinguish them from Indians from the subcontinent of India. You can thank Chris Columbus for the confusion.

Inuit Native Americans?

Are Inuits Native Americans?

They were inhabited by native Americans?

They inhabit by a native Americans

Who United Native Americans?

the native americans

Who were the frist people of Canada?

native Americans native Americans native Americans

What year was Massachusetts settled?

Native Americans were in Massachusetts for centuries before the Pilgrims came to Plymouth in 1620. The paleoIndians were present from 10,000 BC.