they thought it favored the northern states
Ratification- Federalist Anti-ratification- anti-federalist
Anti Federalists believed people should have political power, they favored strong state government, emphasized agriculture, strict interpretation of constitution, were Pro-French, opposed national bank, and opposed protective tariff.
The War Hawks were a group that favored war with Great Britain. They were angry because of the treatment of US sailors and the violation of US maritime rights by the British.
The believed it favored a wealthy few.
Federalists favored the ratification of the Constitution because they believed that a strong central government was needed. The federalists were generally wealthy individuals, that were opposed to anarchy.
The Federalist favored ratification of the newly drafted Constitution. Those that opposed the United States Constitution were known as the Anti-Federalist.
The opposite of oppose would be to support, to cooperate, or to agree.
The Republocrats
He was a Federalist . This party favored a strong central government as opposed to strong states rights.
The whig party opposed president Andrew Jackson and most of his ideals. They favored congress over presidency.
favored states' rights and opposed direct federal involvement in individuals' lives