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Relief, recovery, reform.

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7y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago
basically, "all of the above" -apex
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Lvl 1
3y ago
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Nash Towne

Lvl 10
2y ago

all of the above (apex)

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Chef Boyardee

Lvl 6
2y ago

all of the above (relief. recovery. reform.) >>> apex

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Lvl 1
4y ago

all of the above (apex)

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What issues did president Nixon's election platform focus on?

President Nixon's platform focused on a few economic and war related issues. He focused on the economy, the dollar, and restoring America as a leader in the world. The most important issue Nixon focused on was ending the Vietnam war.

Was The New Deal concentrated power in the hands of executive?

Yes! it broke down congresses power and focused on giving power to the executive branch aka the president.

What Washington's first acts as president was to select a group of men to give him advice?

When Washington was elected President, his first acts included establishing the federal judicial before he focused on the executive branch. He created the Cabinet including Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury to surround himself with a team of consultants.

Both president Truman's federal employee loyalty program and senator Joseph McCarthy's hearings aimed to?

Both the Federal Employee Loyalty Program, as well as Joseph McCarthy's hearings, were focused on rooting out communist influence in the US government. McCarthy's hearings sometimes also focused on evaluating the security risk of homosexuals in government.

Who was president when the city of Washington was captured and burned by the british?

James Madison was the president in 1814 when this event occurred. The British did not exactly capture the city. It was a hit-and-run attack. They left after torching some of the key government buildings and focused on Fort McHenry and the harbor of Baltimore which had much greater strategic importance.

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human actions and emotions

Writers such as shakespeare and Marlowe focused on?

human actions and emotions. :-)

What issues did president Nixon's election platform focus on?

President Nixon's platform focused on a few economic and war related issues. He focused on the economy, the dollar, and restoring America as a leader in the world. The most important issue Nixon focused on was ending the Vietnam war.

What causes poverty in Ivory Coast?

it is that the president wasn't focused and let them do it

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President Theodore Rooseveltâ??s actions demonstrated that he was serious about social and political reform. His reforms include more regulation of business and busting up the trusts.

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an epic.

Which vice president has been particularly focused on foreign policy?

Joe Biden

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A long narrative focused on a hero whose actions affect and reflect an entire nation is known as what?

An epic.

How was Hugo Chavez elected to be Venezuela's president?

he focused on promising to aid venezuela's poor majority.

Does the chorus allude to Antigone or to Creon?

The chorus comments on the actions of the main characters in the play 'Antigone'. Most of their comments deal with the actions of Theban King Creon. But the chorus also comments on the single-focused passionate fury of Antigone.

President Lincoln's strategy regarding secession focused on?

Lincolnbelieved the Southern Secession should be met with force. Lincolnthought it was illegal.