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swear an oath of loyalty to the United States.

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Q: Presidential Reconstruction aimed to pardon anyone in the former Confederate States who would?
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Did George Washington serve as an official of the Confederate states?

NO-- Washington died long before anyone even thought of the Confederate States.

Who supported the first reconstruction act?

Andrew Johnson and anyone who agreed with his beliefs, supported the reconstruction act.

Can a registered republican vote independent in presidential election?

in the United States, absolutely! You can vote for anyone, including a write-in vote in most states (you can even vote for yourself), and nobody has the right to know who you voted for if you don't want to tell them.

What was the purpose of the Ku Klux Klan in southern states?

As far as I can tell, the KKK was initially founded by former Confederate Soldiers to have a way to hide their identities as they tried to kill anyone who was not white or christian.

What amendment Defines citizenship Denies states right to deprive anyone of due process of law and equal protection Denies Confederate rebels the right to hold office?

14 amendment

What happened to the Confederate war debt?

It went unpaid. The war debt involved not only indebtedness of the Confederate national government, but indebtedness incurred by various southern states as well. Patriotic southerners liquidated other investments and used the money to buy Confederate and state bonds to support the war effort. At the end of the war people who had done so were financially ruined.Some states may have had an inclination to repay their state obligations after the war was over, but this was prohibited during Reconstruction. As part of the price for "readmission" to the Union - after a four year war during which the principal Union claim was that they had never left - the states had to repudiate their Confederate-related debt. Ostensibly this was to prevent ex-slaves from having to pay taxes to retire this debt, but northern vindictiveness also relished seeing the "proud" planter class humbled, along with anyone else who had bought the bonds. This helped to ensure that what had always been the richest portion of the United States became and remained the poorest for the next century.

What gave citizenship to African-Americans?

The 14th amendment granted citizenship to African American slaves freed by the 13th amendment. The 14th amendment give anyone born or naturalized in the united states are United states Citizens

Advantages of presidential form of government?

The presidential form of government is advantageous because the people get to decide the rules. Presidential forms of government also gives anyone the right to run for president.

Who does a presidential pardon requires the approval of?

Nobody. The president does not have to answer to anyone if he issues a pardon.

Who is the best 2012 presidential candidate?

anyone that you think is good every body has opinions

Does anyone like Obama?

He won the presidential election so clearly the majority of America does.

What was Jefferson Davis doing the civle war?

He was President of the Confederate States of America. He did not want the job - he was hoping to be made General-in-Chief of the Confederate armies. So he did not appoint anyone else to that job (until the last weeks of the war), and tried to do it himself. He proved unequal to the task - not able to control either his Generals or his cabinet.