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Q: Presidents have only come from two political parties since 1860.?
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What is the Mother of the Presidents State?

Virginia has been called that, since 8 US presidents were born in Virginia, all before 1860.

What did presidential john bell condemn during the election of 1860?

John Bell condemned sectional political parties.

What did presidentail candidate john bell comdem during the election of 1860?

John Bell condemned sectional political parties.

What did Presidential candidates John Bell condemn during the election of 1860?

John Bell condemned sectional political parties.

What is the mother of president?

Virginia has been called that, since 8 US presidents were born in Virginia, all before 1860.

What has the author Thomas Joseph Connelly written?

Thomas Joseph Connelly has written: 'The political parties of the United States and slavery, 1850-1860'

Who were the US presidents in the 1860's?

James Buchanan (1860-61) Abraham Lincoln (1861-65) Andrew Johnson (1865-69) and Ulysses S. Grant (1869) were the presidents of the 1860's.

What did presidential candidate during the election of 1860?

Constitutional Party candidate John Bell condemned sectional political parties and sectional strife in the U.S. Senate.

Is the Republican Party considered a third party?

NOT AT ALL, Since 1860, the Republican Party has been one of the two major US parties.

Who were the only Democratic Presidents between 1860 and 1933?

There were only two Democratic Presidents between 1860 and 1933 and there names were......... 1.Grover Cleveland 2.Woodrow Wilson

What parties nominated presidential candidates in 1860?

The parties that nominated were Republicans and Northern Democrats.

What two presidents from mount Rushmore were around 1860-1920?

Lincoln (1860-1865) and Roosevelt (1901-1909)