The Townshend Acts applied duties (taxes) to paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea imported by the colonies. Townshend had studied the colonist's distinction between internal and external taxes and he believed his duties were external as none of the products, except tea, could be made in the colonies. The colonists did not agree with his thinking and the result was a colonial boycott against British products. Trade between England and America fell off by 50 percent as a result of the boycott. The British merchants complained to Parliament who repealed the Townshend Duties except the tax on tea. The tea tax was kept in honor of the Declaratory Act. Parliament passed that act to declare that they did have the right to tax the colonies regardless of the American claim of internal or external taxation.
colonial boycotts of british goods
Sugar Act in 1764 Stamp Act in 1765 Declatory Act Townshed Act Quartering Act Tea Act
see stamp act of 1765
Printz v. United States established the unconstitutionality of certain provisions of the Brandy Handgun Violence Prevention Act
The Fugitive Slave Act. It aroused enthusiasm for the Underground Railroad, the safe-house system by which runaways could be smuggled into Canada.
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It passed in 1767.
It was a tax to raise money.
colonial boycotts of british goods
the townshed
Townshed Act
These were some of the items on which duties (taxes) were levied by England on its American colonies.
The stamp act. it was passed in 1765 and it was passed before the delaratory act, townshed act, quartering act, and the sugar act.
At the time of the act all of the colonies were British so all of them were loyal to the king.
The stamp act. it was passed in 1765 and it was passed before the delaratory act, townshed act, quartering act, and the sugar act.
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the townshed acts were passed to help pay for the damages of the french and indian war