Their choice of vice-president would take office as the new president if the president-elect should die.
Richard Nixon resigned from the office of president in the wake of the Watergate scandal. He left office on August 9, 1974.
Richard Nixon- he resigned in August 1974 over the Watergate Scandal. He was re-elected for a second term in '72, so still had two years left to go when he resigned. His Vice-President Gerald Ford took over the post until the elections in '76, when he was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter.
Richard Nixon
A vice-president does not have to resign his office in order to run for President. Martin Van Buren, Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, George H. W. Bush and Al Gore all ran for President while holding the office of vice-president.
No, he was the first president to be impeached or forced to leave his office before hie term was up
Richard Nixon, but he was not technically forced out of office, as he resigned himself. He resigned before he would have been impeached.
Richard M Nixon, in 1974
Richard Nixon resigned because he would have been impeached by congress.
Richard Nixon resigned because he would have been impeached by congress.
Richard Nixon
Their choice of vice-president would take office as the new president if the president-elect should die.
why did richard nixon resign the offecer of president
Richard M. Nixon, 37th US President, is the only President to resign from office.
NO-- Nobody can be forced to run for president or for any other elected office.
Richard Nixon