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No, he was the first president to be impeached or forced to leave his office before hie term was up

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Jeffry Ortiz

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Q: Richard Nixon was the third President to be forced to leave office before the end of his term.?
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Was Richard Nixon the third president to be forced to leave office before the end of his term?

No, he was the first president to be impeached or forced to leave his office before hie term was up

Who was the only us president forced out of office?

Richard Nixon, but he was not technically forced out of office, as he resigned himself. He resigned before he would have been impeached.

Which president was forced to resign from office because of a scandal?

Richard M Nixon, in 1974

What president was forced to resign from the office because of scandal?

Richard Nixon resigned because he would have been impeached by congress.

What President was forced to resign from office because of scandal?

Richard Nixon resigned because he would have been impeached by congress.

Which president resigned and left the office before fullfuilling his entire second term?

Richard Nixon

What will happen if the House of Representatives is forced to elect the President and their choice should die before assuming office?

Their choice of vice-president would take office as the new president if the president-elect should die.

What do you call it when a president is forced out of office?


Why did Richard Nixon resign the office of president?

why did richard nixon resign the offecer of president

Has any President ever resigned from office?

Richard M. Nixon, 37th US President, is the only President to resign from office.

Can an incumbant president be forced to run against his own party?

NO-- Nobody can be forced to run for president or for any other elected office.

Who was the only president to resing from office?

Richard Nixon