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After Shay's rebellion many Americans wanted a stronger national government. Shay's rebellion was an uprising that took place in 1786.
Because we pay for it
ethnic kinship. which is it ethnic kinship or shared politicppal ideals? political ideals
It has been said internationally that Americans do not always have the best attitude. This is due to the fact that Americans have a lot of national pride, and it comes off as Americans feeling superior to other countries.
Shays' Rebellion
National interest can be persued through power, coercive measure and diplomacy.
National Council of Asian Pacific Americans was created in 1997.
what is the health situation of Philippines as of 2008
Patriotism describes extreme national pride, resulting in the desire to strengthen the nation.
Instrument(s) of national power are chosen according to the situation.
america and americans
Americans were nervous that gaining the territory that they would be breaking their national identity.
Guaranteeing fair business practices for everyone best describes the purpose of the National Industrial Recovery Act.
The definition of national health situation in the Philippines is alarming. There are various regions that are seriously affected by terminal and chronic diseases which affects the rate of national health.
The national government balances the power of the states.
National Pastime