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Anyone who said wrote printed or published anything false about the us government they would be fined or prisoned

this was set in 1798

i learned that from a 6th grade science book

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Q: The Alien and Sedition Acts made it illegal to do what?
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Which high federalist tried to crush the internal political dissent after the xyz affair?

John Adams. He passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, which made it illegal for citizens to criticize the government.

How did the Alien and sedition acts target immigrants who were not yet citizens?

ALiens did not exist so they made a sedition to Faze Up

Why did people support the alien and sedition acts?

what law made it illegal to criticize the government? it was one of the answers a. alien act b. sedition act c. naturalization act d. tyranny act it was the alien act A is the correct answer

What was the most obvious effect of the alien and sedition acts was limiting constitutional protection of?

Freedom of Speech

Was the Sedition act unconstitutional?

The Alien and Sedition Acts went into effect in 1798. The attacks went against the constitution. However, they did lead to changes being made to the constitution that remain in effect to this day.

Significance of the alien and sedition acts?

Alien doesn't know anything about sedition act. alien only know about star trek, star wars. Alien doesn't care about the sedition act. they r just concentrating on building their space ships. who is this person that ask this question? very funny...

What are the key features of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

These were four bills passed in 1978 after the French Revolution, and were signed into law by President Adams. These laws were intended to hold together a newborn society ready to tear itself apart through civil unrest. Certain federal laws were being ignored, and were sporadically enforced.

What does sedition refer to in the alien sedition acts?

The four Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) were designed to prevent public expressions against Federalist policies during the Quasi-War with France. To the extent that they criminalized dissent and threatened new immigrants, they impinged upon the concepts of free speech and the rights of states in the US.

What act passed by the Federalist dominated Congress made it a crime to speak write or publish criticisms of the government?

Alien and Sedition Acts

State reaction to the alien and sedition acts caused further tension between political parties?

Federalists supported the acts. Democratic Republicans opposed them.

What was the effect on the sedition act?

The "Alien and Sedition Acts" are a group of four acts: The Naturalization Act, The Alien Act, The Alien Enemies Act, and The Sedition Act. The Naturalization Act made all immigrants have to stay in the United States for 14 years to become citizens, instead of the previous 5. The Alien Act allowed the deportation of certain immigrants who were deemed dangerous. The Alien Enemies Act allowed the deportation of citizens if the US was at war with their mother country. The sedition act broke the freedom of speech by illegalizing "false, scandalous, and malicious writing" about the government of of officials.

Why did Congress pass the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Alien and Sedition acts were passed to stop aliens from having the same rights as a United States citizen. This act was also passed so that the Democratic - Republican party could not criticize the Federalists who had the majority in the Congress. The Alien and Sedition made it a crime to utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the United States' form of government.