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The Anti-Federalists opposed ratification of the U.S. Constitution because they were against increasing the power of the national government.

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Q: The Anti-Federalists opposed ratification of the U.S. Constitution because they?
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What was the main reason antifederalists opposed ratification of the new constitution?

They believed that the Constitution diminished states' rights.

What were the people who supported the Constitution called?

The side at opposed the ratificaton of the constition was the Anti- federalists. people who were Anti-federalists such as George Mason and others.

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Was there a political division in America in 1789?

Yes, because there was a political division between the Federalists and Antifederalists as to whether the Constitution should be passed or not. Federalists supported the Constitution and Antifederalists opposed the Constitution.

What is the main reason that the anti federalists were against ratification?

Antifederalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution, because, as their name suggests, they distrusted a strong federal government such as the one the Constitution would create. Many antifederalists felt that a strong central government, rather than one granting autonomy and power to the states, would lose sight of the people's desires as the British government lost sight of the colonies' desires.

Who opposed ratification of the constitution?

The antifederalists opposed to Constitution, as they felt it jeopardized their individual rights and state supremacy.Federalists v. Anti-Federalists. Ratification & Anti-Federalist Opposition. John Jay (New York) --- these 3 wrote The Federalist Papers. The Anti-Federalist opposition to the Constitution is one of the least understood events in American history.

Those who opposed the adoption of the Constitution were known as?

"Anti-Federalism also refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the Constitution of 1787" The Anti-Federalists.