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Q: The GREATEST source of presidential power is found in?
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What is the greatest source of power for the president?

One of the greatest source of power for a president is the constitution. The presidential power includes being the commander in chief of the armed forces and the chief executive of the country among others.

What is the primary source of the uncertainty over the limits on presidential power?

The primary source of uncertainty over the limits on presidential power is the constitutional definition.

What is elect's?

The President elect is the person who has won the November Presidential election, but has not yet been inaugurated.

What is the primary source of the expansion of presidential power?

When the people on the opposite party do not like what the President is doing.

Where can one watch a video of The Greatest by Cat Power?

One could watch the video for "The Greatest" by Cat Power on YouTube. More information about Cat Power, including tour dates, can be found online at Cat Power Music.

How do voting trends affect presidential and congressional power?

how do voting trends affect presidential and congressional power?

Which branch of the government has the power to approve or disapprove Presidential appointments?

The legislative branch has the power to disapprove and approve presidential appointments?

How has the executive article fueled debate on presidential power?

The executive article fueled debate on presidential power because of the people. They thought the president does not have enough power.

Which is a presidential power?

Overruling vetoes

What two laws did the redical republicans pass to reduce presidential power?

what two laws did the radical republicans pass to reduce presidential power

How has the power of the president change over the year?

Presidential power has grown

How has the power of presidency changed over the years?

Presidential power has grown