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Q: The creation of the Mayflower Compact was the first time the colonists had created a self-government document.?
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Was the creation of the Mayflower Compact the first time the colonists had created a self government document?


The creation of the Mayflower Compact was the first time the colonists had created a self-government document?


The creation of the Mayflower Compact was the first time the colonists had created a self government document?


The creation of the mayflower compact was the first time colonists had created a self government document?


The creation of the mayflower compact was the first time the colonists had created a self-government document true or false?


What is the name of the document that the Plymouth colonists signed aboard a ship in 1620?

Mayflower compact

What is the name of the document written by American colonists providing for self-government?

Mayflower compact

The creation of the mayflower compact was the first time the colonist had created a self-government document?


Which document did the colonists agree to form a government?

The Pilgrims created the Mayflower Compact. Then the Declaration of Independence by the colonists.

The Mayflower Compact was a document that?

what is the mayflower compact

What document governed the colonies during the first ten years of the nation?

The he Mayflower Compact is the document that governed the colonies during the first ten years of the nation. It was a covenant between the settlers arriving in New Plymouth.

What is the name of the document that the Plymouth colony wrote?

The Mayflower Compact established rules for the governing in Plymouth.