The House of Representatives begins the impeachment process by accusing the official. However, the trial is carried out by the US Senate.
The Sole Power Of the whole Impeachment.
The impeachment is an accusation of wrong-doing, and it may be brought against the President by the House of Representatives. If the impeachment bill passes, it is sent to the Senate for their vote for or against conviction.
The House of Representatives has the power to impeach and the Senate has the power to remove from office.
The House of Representatives files articles of impeachment, in a process similar to a criminal court indictment. If the House of Representatives votes by a simple majority to impeach the official, the Senate conducts a removal trial to determine if the person is guilty of the charges. If two-thirds of the Senate votes against the accused, then he or she is removed from office (or from the bench). If the Senate fails to achieve a two-thirds vote, the official is acquitted.
The United States Senate sits as the jury on impeachment cases. Impeachment proceedings are started by the House of Representatives. After hearing the charges, the Senate usually deliberates in private. Conviction requires a two-thirds majority.
In the House of Representatives.
The impeachment process begins with a bill in the House of Representatives and concludes with a trial in the Senate.
In the US the House of Representatives the sole power to impeach and the US Senate has the sole power to try impeachments. The process begins in the House of Representatives.
The House of Representatives is where impeachment of a federal official begins. The House has the power to impeach, but the Senate decides whether or not to remove the official from office if he or she is impeached by the House.
The Sole Power Of the whole Impeachment.
Impeachment rocks in congress!!!
The House of Representatives is where impeachment of a federal official begins. The House has the power to impeach, but the Senate decides whether or not to remove the official from office if he or she is impeached by the House.
They see what the public official has done to be impeached
No. The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeachment under the Constitution.
Impeachment is the process where a politician is accused of wrongdoing. Penalties for impeachment can include removal from office as well as criminal and civil penalties. Bill Clinton was the second, and last, United States President to go through impeachment.
The House of Representatives brings the articles of impeachment and the senate either convicts or acquits.
The impeachment is an accusation of wrong-doing, and it may be brought against the President by the House of Representatives. If the impeachment bill passes, it is sent to the Senate for their vote for or against conviction.