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The have similar beliefs about public policy.

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Q: The major reason lawmakers vote along party lines is that they what?
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What is the major reason lawmakers vote along party lines?

A. are influenced by PACs

What was a major reason why American lawmakers adopted a standard time zone?

I happen to know the answer as I am a railroad buff. Railroad scheduling in the four time zones.

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These high speed data lines, along with the equipment that connects them all together is referred to as the "backbone" of the Internet.

Third parties have a difficult time getting candidates elected to major offices because?

Third parties have a tough time getting candidates elected because many people vote along party lines. Voting along party lines means that democrats and republicans get most of the votes.

What shapes don't have lines of symmetry besides circles and ovals?

Circles and Ovals DO have lines of symmetry: a circle has an infinite number of them (each is a diameter of the circle) and an oval (ellipse) has two (one along the major axis, one along the minor axis). Shapes which have no lines of symmetry are irregular ones, eg scalene triangles, along with most parallelograms (ie parallelograms which are not rhombuses) and non-isosceles trapezia. Some irregular shapes can have lines of symmetry, eg irregular octagons can have 1, 2 or 4 lines of symmetry as well as no lines of symmetry, unlike a regular octagon which [always] has 8 lines of symmetry.

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So the Jews were easier to transport to their deaths. It was all part of the nazi machine like death camps.

Which was major result of the reformation?

It caused Europe to be divided into 'Protestant" and "Catholic" countries along lines that exist to this day; and it caused the Catholic church to re-focus on its values and aims.

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