Vice President
Speaker of the House
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Agriculture
Vice President
Speaker of the House
Secretary of State
Attorney General
orWhen a U.S. President dies, resigns or is removed from office, the Vice President is immediately sworn in as President. He/She then appoints a new Vice President to take his/her place, and that person get sworn in as Vice President as soon as Congress approves the appointment.
If there is no Vice President at the time a President dies, resigns or is removed from office, the Presidency goes to the holder of the highest non-vacant position on the list below who is qualified, willing and able.
The Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives
The President Pro Tempore of the U. S. Senate
The U. S. Secretary of State
The U. S. Secretary of the Treasury
The U. S. Secretary of Defense
The U. S. Attorney General
The U. S. Secretary of the Interior
The U. S. Secretary of Agriculture
The U. S. Secretary of Commerce
The U. S. Secretary of Labor
The U. S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
The U. S. Secretary of Education
The U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
The U. S. Secretary of Transportation
The U. S. Secretary of Energy
The U. S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs
The U. S. Secretary of Homeland Security
The constitution states that the Vice President becomes president. There is a photo taken on the day JFK was shot of LBJ taking the oath of office on Air Force One before leaving Dallas Texas. Mrs. Kennedy is standing there still in her pink suit with her husband's blood on it.
Yes! The Vice President, the the Speaker of the House. This is the current line of succession:
Presidential succession is the order in which one person follows another chronologically in the Office of the President.
The order of Succession
No one: Everyone is dead. The question originally asked who becomes President if the President dies (the Vice President), and who becomes President if he subsequently dies (Speaker of the House), and so on (President pro tempore, then Secretary of State, other Cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, etc.). The complete Presidential line of succession is at the related link.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives is the next in line of succession. The Speaker of the House would be the next in line of succession until a new vice president is sworn into office.
The Vice President is next in the order of succession.
The next person in the order of succession after the Vice-President is the Speaker of the House, then the Senate's President Pro Temp, and then the Secretary of State.
vice president Speaker of the house president pro tempore of the senate various cabinet department heads
Sarah Palin
The same person who was president before the speaker of the house died. In the order of presidential succession, the president pro tempore of the Senate is next after the House Speaker.
Vice PresidentSpeaker of the HouseSecretary of the TreasurySecretary of AgricultureorVice PresidentSpeaker of the HouseSecretary of StateAttorney GeneralorVice PresidentPresident pro tempore of the SenateSecretary of StateSecretary of Veteran Affairs
When a president dies, it is important for someone to take his place. That should be the vice president. However, if an attack happened and the vice president dies with the president, there is a protocol for who gets the job next. That person has to have the nuclear launch codes and needs to take charge of the military. A president has a big job and someone needs to be our leader.
Order of succession.
Vice- President is the first in the line of succession for the presidency. Indeed such is the primary purpose for the office of vice-president.
The Speaker Of The House
presidential succession is the order in which the office of president is to be filled
Succession doesn't happen unless the president dies. but to answer your question, the first four people after the president are: 1: Vice President, if he dies then: 2: Attourney General, if he dies then: 3: Speaker of the house of representatives, if they die: 4: Secretary of Defence of the initial president before people started dying