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Borrowing money and to coin money are the power given to congress for foreign affairs by the constitution.

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โˆ™ 9y ago
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โˆ™ 9y ago

One of the powers that the constitution gives to congress for foreign affairs is Laying and collecting taxes, duties, imports, and excises.

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Q: The power that the contitution gives congres for foreign affairs?
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Why do you think states control some things such as state funding for education and the national government control others such as foreign policy?

The federal government controls foreign affairs because the country must one policy in dealing with other countries. The states control education and marriage because the Constitution gives the states the freedom to regulate in areas that the federal government does.

What are powers given only to the federal government called?

The Constitution assigns express(ed) powers to the federal government. Those that can't be shared with the states are called exclusive powers.Some examples include the right to:Coin money, regulate currency, set standards of weights and measuresDeclare warRaise an army and navyNegotiate treaties and conduct foreign affairs

Elastic clause gives congress the power to do what?

The elastic clause grants the U.S. Congress the authority to pass laws that are necessary to carry out its enumerated powers. The enumerated powers are found in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

In the section of the pamphlet labeled Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs Paine gives many reasons why the colonies should sever their political ties with England. List three reasons Pa?

You need to answer this question because we don’t do homework and your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson. Not ours.

What were the protectionist policies and what government action that fits each?

A. TariffThe government taxes the import of coffee from South America.The government charges a tax on foreign cars sold in the United States.B. QuotaThe government provides domestic coffee growers with free land for growing beans.The government limits the number of foreign cars that can be sold in the United States.C. SubsidyThe government limits the amount of South American coffee that can be sold in the United States.The government gives money to domestic car-makers to help them remain competitive.apex

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chief executive

To handle the governments many domestic and foreign affairs the Constitution gives the president broad powers to act as the the nations what?

chief executive

To handle the government and many domestic and foreign affairs the Constitution gives the President broad powers to act as the nation and?

chief executive

To handle the government and many domestic and foreign affairs the Constitution gives the President broad powers to act as the nation and .?

chief executive

Why do you think states control some things such as state funding for education and the national government control others such as foreign policy?

The federal government controls foreign affairs because the country must one policy in dealing with other countries. The states control education and marriage because the Constitution gives the states the freedom to regulate in areas that the federal government does.

The constitution gives the power to ratify treaties with foreign goernments to who?

The Senate.

Which branch gives advice and consent for treaties with foreign governments?


Why does the United states use foreign aid as a tool of foreign policy?

Helping other countries gives the United States influence over them

What is the role of the us in foreign affairs?

The US President is the one person who has the most influence and power in dealing with foreign countries. He is the head of state in the US and as such represents the US government to foreign leaders and sets the tone in how the US treats a foreign government. Through the Secretary of state , whom he appoints, within limits, he can give out or withhold monetary aid and military aid. The president is the commander-in-chief to enforce a protest about the behavior of a foreign government. Just moving battleships into an area sends a message. He can order trade embargoes or restrict travel to and from a foreign country. With the advice and consent of the US senate he can negotiate treaties and accords. He appoints the ambassadors to foreign countries and gives them instructions on what policy to follow. He controls the CIA and can order secret operations , such as assassinations in foreign countries.

Did Canada spend millions in aid to foreign countries?

Canada gives more per capita in foreign aid than almost any other country.

What is the shoe that when you buy a pair it gives a pair to someone in a foreign country who doesnt have shoes?


Can a person who gives secret information about US military plans to a foreign government be convicted of treason?

Yes. No one should ever give the US secrets to a foreign government.