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Q: The presidential election of 1896 was an example of a?
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The presidential election of 1896 was an example of a when the groups that make up political parties are rearranged?


What presidential election marked the end of populism?

Election of 1896

What political tactic led the candidate to victory in the 1896 presidential election?


Who supported McKinley in the presidential election of 1896?

Factory workers

The two major presidential candidates of the 1896 election were?

The 1896 United States presidential election was a contest between William McKinley, representing the Republican Party, and William J. Bryan, representing the Democratic Party. McKinley won the election.

William Jennings Bryan supporters the cause of what in the 1896 presidential election?


What cause did William jennings Bryan support in the 1896 presidential election?


How did the 1896 election ended?

William McKinley won the 1896 presidential election defeating William J. Bryan. In the 1896 presidential election William McKinley received 271 electoral votes and William Bryan received 176 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were McKinley 7,108,480 and Bryan 6,511,495.

Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential election of 1896?

William McKinley/Garet A.Hobart William Jennings Bryan/Arthur Sewall

What was true about William Bryan in the 1896 presidential election?

He supported many Populists policies

What was true about Jennings Bryan in the 1896 presidential election?

He supported many Populists policies

William McKinley advocated which currency policy in the 1896 Presidential election?

Tight money