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Their Primary Responsibility is Judicial Review, which is basically when they would declare laws unconstitutional.

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Q: The primary responsibility of the Judicial Branch is to?
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The primary responsibility of judicial branch is to interpret laws?

No. Thats the Legislative Branch Responsiblilty.

What are some laws that the judicial branch carries out?

The judicial branch does not carry out the laws; that's the responsibility of the executive branch.

What is the responsibility of the judicial?

The duties of the Judicial Branch are to decide on the meaning or interpretation of the Constitution and laws. The Judicial Branch protects individual citizens from mistreatment by other branches of government.

What level of government has the responsibility to maintain law and order?

The judicial branch

What primary role does the judicial branch represent?

make laws

Which level and branch of government would have the responsibility of being in charge of the military?

I think the judicial branch at the state level

What is the primary task of the judicial branch?

To see if new laws are constitutional.

What are the primary duties of the Judicial Executive and Legislative branches?

To govern the US. The Legislative branch makes laws. The Executive branch administers the laws. The Judicial branch interprets and applies the laws.

Does the Executive Branch of the Federal Government do?

The primary responsibility of the executive branch of government is the enforcement of laws.

What is the main responsibility of each of the three banches of gov't?

Legislative Branch-To make the laws. Executive Branch-To pass the laws. Judicial Branch-To enforce the law.

The main job of the judicial branch is to enforce what law?

None. The Judicial Branch has no enforcement power. Their responsibility is to interpret and apply the law and ensure laws, executive orders and treaties are constitutional. The Executive Branch is responsible for enforcing the law.

What branch explains laws whenever there is a disagreement over them?

judicial branch