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Q: The relaxing of tensions between hostile nations is called?
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The relaxing tensions between hostile nations is called?


What term mean relaxing of tensions?

"Detente" is the term that refers to the relaxing of tensions between opposing nations. It often involves diplomatic efforts to ease conflict and promote cooperation.

What caused a rise in tension between European nations?

What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?

What was the nickname given to the Balkans by 1914 because of tensions between nations?

powder keg of europe

Who did president Nixon's approach to easing tensions between the US and other nations?

President Nixons effort to ease Cold War tensions was known as the Detente.

What was the point of Nixons visit to china?

It was part of Nixon's policy of detente, which was the easing of tensions between the United States and the communist nations in the world (namely China and Soviet Russia). His visit was intended to reopen relations with China and promote a less aggressive, less hostile environment.

What was detente?

the easing of tensions or strained relations (especially between nations).

What was dètente?

Dètente means the relaxation of tensions or strained relations between two parties, particularly two nations.

What is called buffer zone?

It is, for example, a buffer zone between two hostile nations that serves to prevent conflict

Why did World War 1 start in July 1914?

Tensions between nations had been building for a century. Those tensions simply exploded into war after the late June assassination of the Archduke.

How did US settlement of Oregon by Americans affect US-Bristish relations?

tensions and threats of war rose between the two nations

The Cold War resulted from?

Tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II. The two nations were the United States and the Soviet Union.