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Q: The right of all people to choose the form of government under which they live?
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What is a government under which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders?

a Republic

Joint statement by the US and Britain expressing the belief in '' the right of all people to choose the form of government under which they will live''?

Atlantic charter

Joint statement by the u.s and Britain expressing the belief in the right of all people to choose theform of government under which they will live?

Atlantic charter

What is Inherent right to self government?

The Inherent right to self-government stems from treaty rights recognized under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. Under this Act self-government is recognized as a fundamental right of Aboriginal people. The Inherent right to self-government stems from treaty rights recognized under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. Under this Act self-government is recognized as a fundamental right of Aboriginal people.

A group of people under a single government?


Governmet where citizens choose the leaders?

A democracy - government by the people or their elected agents under a free electoral system

Joint statement by the US and Britain expressing the belief in the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live?

Atlantic Charter

Why do you think the government wanted people to be entertained by things most modern people would find replusive?

The government does not have a preference what religion people choose. Your religion is protected under the first amendment. Want to know more? Go !!

Are people free in a totaliarian government?

under most circumstances, the subjects under a totalitarian government are not free at all. their right to free speech is severely hampered if not eliminated outright. The media is censored and controlled by the government, usually to spew propaganda. Also, the people's right to privacy is destroyed through the use of wiretaps and constant public surveillance.

Can government lawfully prevent a political rally from taking place?

Under no circumstances; people have an unconditional right to express their views.

Why did people in 1951 vote no in the referendum to ban communist party?

Because the Australian people understood that in a democracy everyone has the right to representation,The government of the day has no right to impose their ideology on the people. The constitution controls what laws may or may not be passed under these circumstances not the government of the day. RB

Why was Thomas Jefferson fearful of tyranny?

Jefferson had lived under a king who might be called a tyrant. More important, there was no way to end his reign, except revolution. Jefferson decided that people had a right to choose their own government and fought to make it happen. Jefferson was brilliant and interested in many things. He resented government interference on his life. He wanted a minimal government that would only do what could only be done by government. He especially resented encroachments on personal freedom. He knew what is like to live under a repressive and unresponsive government.