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It is impossible to create a perfectly objective list, but Michael H. Hart in this book "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History" gives a better list than most biased and prejudicial list in existence today.

1 Muhammad 2 Isaac Newton 3 Jesus Christ 4 Buddha 5 Confucius 6 St. Paul 7 Ts'ai Lun 8 Johann Gutenberg 9 Christopher Columbus 10 Albert Einstein 11 Louis Pasteur 12 Galileo Galilei 13 Aristotle 14 Euclid 15 Moses 16 Charles Darwin 17 Shih Huang Ti 18Augustus Caesar 19 Nicolaus Copernicus 20 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier 21 Constantine the Great 22 James Watt 23 Michael Faraday 24 James Clerk Maxwell 25Martin Luther 26 George Washington 27 Karl Marx 28 Orville and Wilbur Wright 29 Genghis Khan 30 Adam Smith 31 Edward de Vere 32 John Dalton 33 Alexander the Great 34 Napoleon Bonaparte 35 Thomas Edison 36 Antony van Leeuwenhoek 37William T.G. Morton 38 Guglielmo Marconi 39 Adolf Hitler 40 Plato 41 Oliver Cromwell 42Alexander Graham Bell 43 Alexander Fleming 44 John Locke 45 Ludwig van Beethoven 46 Werner Heisenberg 47 Louis Daguerre 48 Simon Bolivar 49 Rene Descartes 50 Michelangelo 51 Pope Urban II 52'Umar ibn al-Khattab 53 Asoka 54 St. Augustine 55 William Harvey 56 Ernest Rutherford 57 John Calvin 58 Gregor Mendel 59 Max Planck 60Joseph Lister 61 Nikolaus August Otto 62 Francisco Pizarro 63 Hernando Cortes 64 Thomas Jefferson 65 Queen Isabella I 66 Joseph Stalin 67 Julius Caesar 68 William the Conqueror 69 Sigmund Freud 70 Edward Jenner 71 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 72Johann Sebastian Bach 73 Lao Tzu 74 Voltaire 75 Johannes Kepler 76 Enrico Fermi 77 Leonhard Euler 78 Jean-Jacques Rousseau 79 Nicoli Machiavelli 80 Thomas Malthus 81 John F. Kennedy 82Gregory Pincus 83 Mani 84 Lenin 85 Sui Wen Ti 86 Vasco da Gama 87 Cyrus the Great 88 Peter the Great 89 Mao Zedong 90 Francis Bacon 91Henry Ford 92 Mencius 93 Zoroaster 94 Queen Elizabeth I 95 Mikhail Gorbachev 96 Menes 97Charlemagne 98 Homer 99 Justinian I 100Mahavira

While some may object to Religious figures like Muhammad and Jesus Christ being at the top, no one can deny the extent of their influence for good or bad over the past two-thousand years. Christianity and Islam continue to shape billions of followers more than any other system of belief in existence.

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