The First Congress created departments in the executive branch for different areas of national policy.
Executive Counsel Limited was created in 2003.
It was created by the recommendations of the Brownlow Committee and by Franklin Rossevelt persuaded Congress to pass the law for the Executive Office or the President
American Century Investments was created in 1958.
Agriculture and InteriorDepartment of JusticeDepartment of InteriorDepartment of Agriculture
The Nineteenth Century - periodical - was created in 1877.
Woman in the Nineteenth Century was created in 1843.
The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century was created in 1899.
Nineteenth-Century Literature was created in 1945.
Birmingham Journal - nineteenth century - was created in 1825.
The General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century was created in 1851.
the end of the nineteenth century
The First Congress created departments in the executive branch for different areas of national policy.
The Departments of State, Treasury, and War.
The first three departments of the executive branch (State, Treasury, and War) were created by the First Congress during the Presidency of George Washington. There are currently 15 cabinet departments.