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Legislative makes the laws and provides the money

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doug w

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Q: Under the separation of powers doctrine established by the constitution?
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Under the Separation of Powers doctrine established by the Constitution what branch makes the laws and provides the money to implement them?


What established the separation of powers?

the u.s constitution

What theory presents a view of the nation and the Constitution that is closest to the doctrine of nullification?

Separation of powers

Briefly explain the separation of powers established by the constitution?

Separation of powers as defined in the Constitution of the United States has to do with the power the government has over the states. It also provides for states to govern themselves by the rules of the Constitution.

What is Applicability of doctrine of separation of power in Tanzania?

The doctrine of separation of powers in tanzania is applicable but it is not practicable because our constitution has given the president alot of powers while they were suppose to work on their own the power of president should reduced in order to have good separation of power in tanzania.

What is meant by the doctrine of separation of power?

The separation of powers doctrine refers to the division of the government. These branches are the executive, legislative and judicial. The separation of powers doctrine supposed to be the cornerstone of fair government.

What appropriations are monies whose availability for new obligations has not yet expired under the terms of the governing appropriations act?

Under the "Separation of Powers" doctrine established by the Constitution, the ____________ makes the laws and provides the money to implement them.

Was the separation of powers doctrine intended by the framers of the Constitution to promote efficiency in governmental operations?

no i really dont know but some of these answers are wrong

Which part of the constitution establishes the doctrine of separation of powers?

Articles I, II and III. Article I establishes the powers of the legislative branch. Article II establishes the powers of the executive branch. Article III establishes the powers of the judicial branch. Together these three articles establish what we call the separation of powers.

What principle established by the 3 branches of government?

Separation of powers is a political doctrine originating from the United States Constitution, according to which the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the United States government are kept distinct in order to prevent abuse of power.

What is the doctrine of separation of powers in Zambia?

Zambia copied the idea of separation of powers from the United Kingdom and other modern countries.

What does The Constitution provides for a separation of powers mean?

It basically means that the Constitution created (provided) a separation of powers, being the 3 within the county.