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of Edward braddocks aids

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Q: Was George Washington one of Edward Braddock's aides?
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Continue Learning about American Government

Who did George Washington appoint as secretary of state?

Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War: Henry Knox Tobias Lear served as the executive secretary to George Washington from 1786 to 1799 (Washington was President from 1789 to 1797). During the Revolutionary War, Washington had various military secretaries and aides-de-camp who performed secretarial duties - about 32 different men served in these positions.

How did George Washington organize the work of the executive branch?

1. He set up a Cabinet. 2. He set up a Federal Court System. You guys should really consider reading your textbook sometimes. The answers are right there. -_- Anyways, I hope I helped.

To the disappointment of the crowd neither the president nor any of his aides were able to attend the ceremony Is this phrase correct specifically the were part?

The sentence is incorrect. The correct version is: 'To the disappointment of the crowd, neither the president nor any of his aides was able to attend the ceremony.' 'Neither' takes the singular form of the verb, not the plural, if the subjects are singular. 'The president' is singular, and 'any of his aides' is singular. However, if at least one of the subjects is plural, so is the verb: 'Neither my parents nor my cousins were able to come to my party.' 'Neither my parents nor my cousin were able to come to my party.' But: 'Neither of my parents was able to come to my party.'

What was president Clinton's decision making style?

To immerse himself in the details of policy and run an open white house, soliticing the advice of large number of aides.

What is an Aide-de-Camp?

aide-de-camp (plural aides-de-camp)A military officer who serves as an adjutant to a higher ranking officer, prince or other high political dignitary. Unlike the orderly or batman, a humble low-ranking servant, an aide-de-camp is often a general, who before the institution of the chief of staff could hold a similar position to his chief.

Related questions

What traditions did gorge washing start?

U.S. President George Washington started the tradition of a group of people, aides, called a "cabinet". Almost every president to this day has had a cabinet assisting them.

When was AIDES created?

AIDES was created in 2009.

How many aides are in Pokemon FireRed?

There are 5 oak aides.

What does it mean when a person say they have Aides?

Aids is different from Aides. Aids is a form of sickness while Aides are assistance mainly official assistance.

When was Jared Has Aides created?

Jared Has Aides was created on 2002-03-06.

Can saliva pass on aides if someone with aides spits on you and it gets in your eyes will you catch it?

yes it will.

Some states don't allow teacher aides to?

Some states do not allow teacher aides to get paid a salary. The teacher aides work by the hour. Some teacher aides are not allowed to teach but rather assist in clerical task, and assisting with supervising the children.

Why was Head Start important in the history of teacher aides?

It was one of the first programs to pay teachers aides!

Is greek god aides a goy or a girl?

Aides is another pronunciation of Hades. Hades is a boy, god of the underworld.

Who did George Washington appoint as secretary of state?

Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War: Henry Knox Tobias Lear served as the executive secretary to George Washington from 1786 to 1799 (Washington was President from 1789 to 1797). During the Revolutionary War, Washington had various military secretaries and aides-de-camp who performed secretarial duties - about 32 different men served in these positions.

What are CEO aides called?


Where are the aides in Pokemon Blue?
