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Trade expansion act

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Q: What Act gave President Kennedy the authority to negotiate reciprocal trade agreements that could reduce US tariffs by as much as 50 percent?
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Who has the responsibility to negotiate agreements agreements between the US and host country?

Ambassadors have the responsibility to negotiate agreements between the US and their host country.

The president has the power to negotiate treaties with foreign nations but such agreements on behalf of the US must be approved by?

The Senate has the right of ratification.

Who has the responsibility to negotiate agreements between the US their host country?

Ambassadors have the responsibility to negotiate agreements between the US and their host country.

Who has the responsibility to negotiate agreements between the US and host country?

Ambassadors have the responsibility to negotiate agreements between the US and their host country.

Does the president have the power to negotiate treaties with or without permssion or consent of congress?

Through the Department of State and the Department of Defense, the President is responsible for the protection of Americans abroad and of foreign nationals in the United States. The President decides whether to recognize new nations and new governments, and negotiate treaties with other nations, which become binding on the United States when approved by two-thirds of the Senate. The president may also negotiate "executive agreements" with foreign powers that are not subject to Senate confirmation. I believe the president can negotiate treaties, but they do not take effect until the Senate votes to ratify them.

Who has the responsibility to negotiate agreements between the US and their host country?

The responsibility to negotiate agreements between the US and their host country usually falls on the diplomats and negotiators representing the US government, such as officials from the Department of State or ambassadors. They work with their counterparts from the host country to reach mutually beneficial agreements that serve the interests of both parties.

What does plenipotentiary mean?

a representative with full power to negotiate and sign agreements

What is a example of the president acting as Americas chief diplomat?

One example of the President acting as America's chief diplomat is when they negotiate and sign international agreements and treaties on behalf of the United States. For instance, the President may negotiate trade agreements with other countries to promote economic interests and strengthen diplomatic ties. They may also engage in diplomatic discussions to diffuse conflicts and foster cooperation with other nations.

As chief diplomat what can the president do?

He can and does meet with foreign heads of state and negotiate treaties and other accords or agreements. However, any treaties he makes are not binding unless the Senate ratifies them.

Who has the responsibilities to negotiate agreements between the unites states and their host country?


Who has the responsibility to negotiate agreements between the United states and their host country?


Which best describes the president's authority to negotiate treaties and to appoint diplomats and ambassadors to go abroad and represent the American government in its relations with other countries?

chief diplomat