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Q: What British law prompted grievances in declaration?
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What did the they commit when the signers sign the declaration?

The signers of the Declaration of Independence committed treason under British law and an order of the King.

The section of the Declaration of Independence is considered a declaration of war?

Yes and no. To declare Independence unlawfully is to declare rebellion, which is an act of war under British law. But, as a result of the Declaration of independence, a war ended.

Which of these is exercised when a citizen asks the government to change a law?

When a citizen asks the government to change a law they are exercising their freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This is a freedom that is secured within the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

What did the Declaration of Independence mostly consist of?

Its a statement against tyrannical control by the King of England, who claimed ownership of the colonies. That is a little simplified. Actually there was a long drawn out separation between the colonies in the British King, which started with letters of appeasement and then outright lies and control and finally war. The same thing occurred in the 1860s when the American Federal Government overthrew the several sovereign States, and its well on its pathway of reoccurring today. The Declaration of Independence is the first law of the land in the United States and is very important as it provides to the people of the United States, the authority to throw off their government should it become tyrannical. The 2nd Amendment to the US constitution, relating to the ownership of arms, finds it authority and purpose in the Declaration of independence. Reading the Constitution, one will note that the mustering of the US military, and authority over the military officers (selection of officers etc), is a power belonging to the several states and not the federal government. This is actually what the battle of the 1860s was fought over, not slavery. The federal government wanted total control over the military and removed the balance of power from the several states.... by force!

Why did it take courage to sign Declaration of Independence?

When they signed the Declaration of Independence, they were going against the king, which was a form of treason and punishable by death. Therefore, it took courage to sign the declaration, and they weren't scared of doing the right thing.

Related questions

The Declaration of Rights and Grievances was written to protest which law?

The Stamp Act (1765)

How did the british respond to the boycotting of the colonists Declaration of Independence?

They sent in British troops to re-enforce law.

Does the declaration of independence mean that the colonies are no longer subject to british law?


What did the they commit when the signers sign the declaration?

The signers of the Declaration of Independence committed treason under British law and an order of the King.

What was declaring independence considering under English law?

The Declaration of Independence was considered an Act of Treason under British Law, in the eye's of the British Government, the Colonials had defied the King and that was punishable in the utmost fashion... they had committed the highest offence considered at the time

What happened five hundred and sixty one years before the signing of the declaration of independence?

Type your answer here... British colonies in America set up laws based on British common law.

Can you select any 5 grievances against king George and state for each one a British law or action which may have prompted that complaint?

Taxation without representation - The Stamp Act of 1765 imposed taxes on various printed materials in the American colonies without their consent. Quartering of troops - The Quartering Act of 1765 required colonists to house and feed British soldiers in their homes. Restriction on trade - The Navigation Acts regulated colonial trade and restricted economic freedom. Lack of trial by jury - The British government passed the Admiralty Courts Act of 1696, which denied colonists the right to trial by jury in certain legal cases. Suppression of colonial assemblies - The British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts in 1774, which included measures to restrict the powers of the colonial assemblies.

The section of the Declaration of Independence is considered a declaration of war?

Yes and no. To declare Independence unlawfully is to declare rebellion, which is an act of war under British law. But, as a result of the Declaration of independence, a war ended.

What are three ideas contained in the Declaration of Independence?

Natural Rights- Rights that belong to people at birth British Wrongs- Lists the wrongs committed by Britain Independence- Announces that the colonies have become independent and are free from british law

What percentage of the declaration is composed of the british monarchy's abuses?

About 25.555678034% of it is. But if this is for your civics teacher, then she is looking for this, The percentage of the declaration that is composed of the british monarchy's abuses is the first 5 amendments. Those amendments state that America is fed up with the british crap and wont take it anymore. the king(president) is not above the law and all men are equal. Thomas jefferson put this saying in the declaration of independence because of his beliefs in John Locke, Francis Bacon, abd isaac Newton

Why were the delegates worried about signing the Declaration?

It was against British law to stand against the king. Many of them lost their lives, their homes and their money. They knew that risk when they signed their names on the document, but they wanted to be free.

Who passed laws that colonists followed?

The American colonies were British and followed British law. British law was passed by the British Parliament.