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What did the Tea Act of 1773 do

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Godfrey Smitham

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Q: What British tax remained after Townsend acts were repealed?
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Who attempted to raise money to pay the salaries of british governors and other officials in the colonies?

Townsend acts

What two goals did britis hope to accomplish by passinnng the Tea Act?

The British Parliament passed the Townsend Acts in June 1767, representing four measures devised by Charles Townsend, Chancellor of the Exchequer. The acts had two purposes: reformation of customs policy in the colonies and the raising of revenue through excises. The acts failed to accomplish both goals and were repealed after three years. The longer term effects of the acts, however, included the strengthening of colonial resistance to British tax and trade policies, British misunderstanding of colonial complaints, and administrative divisions between the West Indies and the continental colonies.

Why did the colonists decide to fight the british?

their taxes increased and the king of Britain passed laws like the stamp act or the Townsend acts or the intolerable acts allowed British soldiers to live in their houses and pay for everything shipped in the colonies

What did the colonist do when the townshend Acts were passed?

The British Parliament repealed some of the Townshend Act duties. While most of the new taxes were repealed, the tax on tea continued and the British government kept on trying to tax the colonists without their consent. This finally led to the Boston Tea Party, followed by the American Revolution.

What tax was placed on glass paper paint lead and tea?

The British Parliament placed a tax on these items prior to the American Revolution. This act was called the Townsend Act and was enacted in 1767.

Related questions

What British tax remained after Townshend act were repealed?

The taxes to remain after the Townshend Acts were repealed were the Intolerable/Coercive Acts and the other big tax to remain is the Tea Acts

What british tax remaind after the townshend acts were repealed?

After the Townshed Acts were repealed, a British tea tax remained. The objective of the tea tax was to reduce the massive surplus of tea held by the financially troubled British East India Company in its London warehouses and to help the struggling company survive.

Except for one item's all the taxes placed by the Township Acts were repealed in 1770 Which item remained taxed after the Acts were repealed?


What British tax remains after the townshend acts were repealed?

The taxes to remain after the Townshend Acts were repealed were the Intolerable/Coercive Acts and the other big tax to remain is the Tea Acts

Why did the British repeal the Townsend Acts?

because they were getting no money

What happened when the British passed the Townshend acts?

the stamp act was repealed

What did British Parliament do to address the grievances of the colonists?

repealed the Stamp and Townshend Acts

When was the Townsend acts?

the townsend acts was passed in 1767

Where did the townshend act take place?

The Townsend Acts pertained to the British Colonies in 1767 (The entire east coast of North America). The biggest thing you will hear about the Townsend Acts is the Boston Tea Party, which was a boycott of the restriction put in place by the Townsend Acts.

What British decree angered the colonist because it limited the area available for settlement?

Townsend Acts

Who attempted to raise money to pay the salaries of british governors and other officials in the colonies?

Townsend acts

Why were the intolerable acts repealed?

They were repealed because of the change of government.