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The 12th amendment changed the way the electors voted to elect the President to be consistent with the idea that the candidates for president and vice-president run as a team. The 20th moved inauguration day up to Jan. 20 from March 4.
The 22nd limits the president to two terms.

The 25th provides for a procedure for the temporary replacement of the president and his return if replaced and gives a procedure for replacing vice-president.

The 15th allows former male slaves to vote.

The 19th allows women to vote.

The 23rd allows residences of D.C. to vote

The 26th moves the voting age down to 18 from 21.

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The 22 changed the number of times a person can be president. Until the 22 it was unlimited, but with it it 2 terms 8 years total.

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Q: What US Constitutional Amendments affect the office of the US president?
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