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Second US President John Adams appointed 42 justices of the peace for the territory of Washington, DC a few days before President Jefferson succeeded him in office. Adams wanted to ensure his Federalist party, which was losing popularity to Jefferson's Democratic-Republican party, retained power in the government. He attempted to accomplish this by packing the Judicial branch of government with Federalist judges.

The lame duck Congress also passed the Judiciary Act of 1801, rearranging the federal court system and allowing Adams to appoint 16 new Circuit judges and several new District judges the month before leaving office. The justices of the peace and federal judges, collectively, are often referred to as the "midnight judges" for their last-minute appointments.

President Thomas Jefferson refused to have some of the commissions delivered after taking office, which lead to the US Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison, (1803).

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Chief Justice John Marshall wasn't appointed with the midnight judges, but before them, because Third Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth was in poor health and agreed to step down so Federalist President John Adams could appoint the new Chief Justice before leaving office.

The midnight judges were appointed as the result of two Acts of Congress: The Judiciary Act of 1801, which added sixteen Circuit and five district court judges; and the District of Columbia Organic Act, which allowed Adams to appoint 42 justices of the peace.

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John Adams

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Q: What US President appointed the Midnight Judges?
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No, governors are elected by the people of a state. Federal judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by Congress.

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In the US, officials that are elected by the people are the US presidency, senators and Representatives. The US Supreme Court has its members nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate.

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All federal judges are nominated by the president, subject to confirmation by the Senate.

Who appointed the midnight judges?

The "Midnight Judges" were 42 Federalist justices of the peace President John Adams appointed immediately before his administration ended and Thomas Jefferson's began. They were appointed because Adams realized the Federalist party was losing power and control in government to the Democratic-Republicans (who also called themselves "anti-Federalists,").The Midnight Judges were symbolically important, but had little judicial power and only served five-year terms. They were appointed as a matter of patronage (a reward to a loyal political supporter) under the Organic Act of 1801 (for the District of Columbia), and were not part of the court-packing scheme devised under the Judiciary Act of 1801, that allowed Adams and the Federalist-dominated Congress to appoint a number of judges to Article III constitutional courts.Those judges represented a real problem for incoming President Jefferson, because they received lifetime appointments and would have had a political and ideological impact on the US government for decades to come. The Midnight Judges, on the other hand, posed no political threat, but Jefferson allegedly believed John Adams had appointed an excessive number and withheld some of their commissions. They may also have been an annoying reminder of Adams' clever court-packing scheme, but that's a different story.Several of the Midnight Judges whose commissions were withheld attempted to compel their delivery by filing suit in the US Supreme Court. These men played an important role in a landmark US Supreme Court case, Marbury v. Madison, (1803), and were ultimately of more historical importance than the higher federal judges.For more information about Marbury v. Madison and the midnight judges, see Related Questions, below.

Who has the power of appoint judges to courts?

The SenateArticle III Federal judges (US District Court, US Courts of Appeals Circuit Courts), like the justices of the US Supreme Court, are appointed by the President of the United States, with the "advice and consent" (approval) of the Senate. The House of Representatives has no role in this process.

Under what branch does judges fall under?

Within the US Federal Government, the executive branch appoints the various judges in the Federal justice system. Supreme Court judges and Federal district judges are appointed by the US President and must be approved by a majority of the US Senate.

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The President appoints federal appellate judges to the US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts. These appointments are subject to approval from the Senate.

Does Congress approve the appointment of federal judges?

Yes. The President nominates Article III federal judges (Judicial Branch), but the nominee must be approved by the Senate. Technically, the appointment process involves both the President and the Senate; however, the President is given credit (or blame) for the appointment.US District CourtUS Court of International TradeUS Court of Appeals Circuit CourtsSupreme Court of the United StatesUS Bankruptcy Courts (Article I, 14-year appointments)US Tax Courts (Article I, 15-year appointments)US Court of Federal Claims (Article I, 15-year appointments)The President doesn't appoint US District Court magistrates (lower level judges), which are hired by District Court judges for eight-year terms. US District Court judges and Article I judges (bankruptcy, tax, federal claims) are often appointed by senatorial courtesy.