Presidents are NOT allowed to interpret the constitution and they are the Commander in Chief of the military. To use the military they need permission of Congress and can't just put them somewhere. The Sec. of State is the principal person involved with foreign policy and any treaties have to be approved by Congress before they go into effect. The constitution provides for a system of checks and balances to make sure no branch is more powerful than another. The president is not a king deciding issues alone.
Having an effective government that that develops and upholds laws for the benefit of the comunity it rules is a good idea. You have but to look at countrys where government control is loose or unstable to understand that country's in Western Europe for instance are the safest and most comfortable places to to live.
The UK armed forces is the 5rd largest military in the world in terms of expenditures after U.S , china, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. The UK is also 1 of the only 3 countries to have nuclear bombs sufficient to destroy an entire country, along with U.S and Russia, although all 10 of the worlds most developed countrys have nuclear bombs capable of destroying entire cities. The comander-in-chief of the UK armed forces is the Queen who also commands the Canadian army and all those of the Commonwealth realms.
Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan was the ruler and founding father of the United Arab Emirates. He passed away on 2nd November 2004. Various streets, and buildings is named after him, inter alia a hospital in Baghdad, Iraq. another person! Shaikh Zayed is famuose cuz he found the oil n maid the U.A.E from the dusty desert 2 one of the modern places in the world and not just that! he did hes best to help the African kids from HIV AND he was the best man in the world of the year in the 1970s...i bet bosh did NOT do all that! he also built the biggist moseq in the country...and united the siprit countrys into 1 big country! im actuly surpriezed that u guys don't know HIM!!
It's simply a matter of calling it something else. Military Action can be called for by a president in response to virtually anything. Its up to congress to approve of the military action if it is going to require long term funding or diplomatic statements of cause. The only step to calling it war after an approved military action has been sanctioned is an additional official piece of paper declaring that it is a war and presenting it to other countrys as an explanation of why you are engaged in the military action in an effort to convince them not to try and stop you. Declaring something a war is typically only done if the scale of the engagement is so large that many other nations are threatening to become involved; in which case you want an actual declaration of war to outline for them why you are engaged and trying to convince others to either stay out or help. If you don't care about other countrys involvement one way or the other, than there is virtually no reason to ever put the label of war on it with a declaration. Military engagements happen fairly often, declarations of war are far less frequent.
The President of the United States is Commander in Chief of all US armed forces . He also appoints the Secretary of Defense who serves at his discretion. The president chooses the assignments of high ranking generals and admirals.The president makes budget recommendation and so influences the size and make-up of the military and the choices of which weapons systems to buy and pay for developing.
A "dictator" is a head of state who exercises arbitrary authority over the lives of his citizens and who cannot be removed from power ...while a monarchy isa king or queen who rule is country or Queen Elizabeth of England
Pennsylvania defenitly. With the battle of Gettysburg, to the constitution. Philadelphia was also the countrys capitol for a few years.
The Republic of Sudan.
Nepal and Bhutan are sepretted countrys
The renaissance was a great cultural movement that began in Italy and spread to other countries in the late 1400's.a great cultural movement that began in Italy and spread t o other countrys in the 1400s.A time when there was a rejection of the authority of the catholic church
They like to raid cities and countrys.
The Countrys that Are Afghanistan's Closest Neighbors areChinaIranPakistanTajikistanTurkmenistanUzbekistan