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The 19th Amendment.

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Q: What amendment gave women the right to vote in federal elections?
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Which Amendment protected the right of women to vote in all national and state elections?

the 19th amendment (~^_^~)

When did women get there vote?

There was never any federal law limiting women's suffrage in that manner. Before passage of the 19 amendment however, most states did allow women to vote in at least some elections. Restrictions varied from state to state and I suppose it is possible that one or more states had such a restriction. I have never heard of it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't done somewhere.

True or false- women were given the right to vote by the 12 amendment?

False. The twelfth amendment changed the method of electing the vice president of the United States by having the members of the electoral college vote separately for president and vice president instead of having the second place finisher in the presidential voting become president. Women began gradually gaining the right to vote in the late nineteenth century. Wyoming was the first state to give women the suffrage. By 1920 most states permitted women to vote in at least some elections. in that year the 19th amendment was ratified which gave women the right to vote in all elections.

Which amendment of the constitution protect the rights of women?

Probably the 19th amendment that granted women the right to vote. THere are others, but this is one of the most imporatnt for women. Probably the 19th amendment that granted women the right to vote. THere are others, but this is one of the most imporatnt for women.

Which group of people was most directly affected by the Nineteenth Amendment?


Related questions

19th Amendment?

Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1920) extended the right to vote to women in federal or state elections.

When did women's right to vote become a federal law?

In Australia the first Federal Elections held when women were permitted to vote was on April 25th, 1896.

Which Amendment protected the right of women to vote in all national and state elections?

the 19th amendment (~^_^~)

How did women get the right to vote in all state and national elections?


In what year did women gane the right to vote in all elections in America?

19th amendment in 1920

When where women allowed to vote in federal elections?

Women were alowed to vote 14 years after Susan B. Annthony died.

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women's right to vote in federal elections

What did the 19th amendment gave women?

Drafted by Susan B. Anthony, the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote in national and local elections. It was the culmination of the Women's Suffrage Movement.:{D

When would women have the right to run for president?

In the US, women had the theoretical right to run for President from the time they got the right to vote in Federal Elections, around 1923.

What is the significance of the 19 amendment?

It gave American women the right to vote in elections.

Why is the 19th amendment important?

The 19th US Constitutional Amendment implicitly gave women the right to vote in all levels of US elections.

What amendment gave women the right to vote in all state and national elections?

The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits any United States citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex. The amendment was the culmination of the women's suffrage movement, which fought at both state and national levels to achieve the vote.